Application Form:

1. Do you focus on textures, art or both (which field of art)

I focus on both textures and art, but for a last 2 months I have been very inactive due to computer problems, so I have been doing a bit more art hand-drawn.
I am much better in hand drawn work, so I've been saving up on a graphics tablet.

2. How long have you been creating textures/art?

I have been creating textures for 7-8 months now, since I started playing toribash. As for art, 3 years.

3. Why do you want to join us?

I have been away for a little while now and I have missed alot of new things that might have happend while I was away. I know most of the members of GATA from TMJ, so this way I can learn more in art and textures from/with them.

If I don't try to join, it really feels like I'm missing something really worthwhile, now that I'm back for good (Unless some other unexpected bad luck comes my way) I'm back in texture making.

4. Do you have an textures/art shop in Toribash?

Yes I do, but once again, I haven't updated it for a while. I will now.

5. Post at least three examples of your textures/art.

This is an entry for the Wii competition a while back. It was completely different to what they wanted, though.

This is a set I made for a friend of mine a long time ago.

This is the set I'm wearing now. I've been trying to complete it for so long yet everything seem to get in the way. But not now. *Evil laugh*

A signature that I made a few hours ago. I just got toribash Prime so I just had to make something for it.

6. Post a link to a shop/portfolio/gallery of works that you have.

So some more examples should be in here.

Last edited by Lempika; Aug 16, 2009 at 01:16 AM.