Endurance Onslaught 6.0
well i think u should read this
Well i realy love The world i love my family and my freinds i love to have fun like all here,But the thing i dont understand is why ppl dont like theire lifewell if ur fother and mother die keep going ul have a family soon and its good to miss them but well i think the life is the best thing ever evry day i wish to have time with my family friends and more evry day i relax and lisent to music and think about the life well the life is what u want to be if u dont work u dont do nothing "in ur life" u will have a bad life but if u work hard and give all u have ur life will be the best thing ever right now im a kid and i see the undersantand of the life i see the life like a present i see the life like a gift we only have 1 life (well mayby more idk i havnt die thanks to god) evry day i do something bad i "cry on the nights"becouse mayby the person that i hurt will wont be with me tomorrow i say sorry many times i wish life be for ever i feel bad evry day i see some1 that dosnt like life that dosnt live life good i feel bad if i ahde a wish i will wish that all the persons live the life how it have to live many ppl get mad in games and i dont know why its a game u wont win nothing in real life get mad with ur fothers aint good all have been mad with someone mayby u dont like that person well try to talk with him im sure if all in the world hade a good life this world will be in peace it will wont be more crimes no more asasains no more killers no more stolers (sorry for my bad english im mexican and yea here in mexico there are many crimes and thats why im saying this mayby one person can change the world why not u why not me we can chanmge it and make it a good place tell the good life it is and what it worse we can change the world and make it better for the persons that dont like life we can make them cange we can make the world the best place ever we only need to help)most of the persons wont read this becouse its too long well u wont lose nothing, u will win u will lose 1-5min reading it u will like to lose 5 mins or ur hole life i think 5 min worse itthanks i hope u all help this planet but first help u then ur family then ur street and then the word dont take this like a joke take this like a tip and im sure together we will change he way to live