lol my computer rocks , also i just sniped 3 god bots lol i just did 3 bolts next to eachother and rand to my left (they came fro mright) sice tey were bots they followed me and ran right infront of my bolts and all got hit perfectly it was pretty cool. To bad the AI is predicitable
Life is like staring at drying paint. The longer it goes on, the more you want to smash your face in.
I really enjoy this game, and I'm sure it will be much better when it's rebalanced.

Seriously! Spam Xing, and you win!
[19:32] <@darilu-kun> tori = furry, bash = pride
I'm waiting for the new patch to actually do anything, honestly. I'm also hoping they put up more dedicated servers.
Originally Posted by Litto View Post
I'm waiting for the new patch to actually do anything, honestly. I'm also hoping they put up more dedicated servers.

i want my no xing mode right NOW.
Me and litto and a few others were playing ingame with the devs and we mentioned it, they seemed pretty confident that they were going to put it in.

/me crosses fingers