Endurance Onslaught 6.0
In-Game Name:Blackangel
Belt:2nd Dan Black Belt
Past Clans:[v]
Why you want to join: [v] died out before becoming official, revolution is currently considering me as a clan option but i would rather be in evolution because [evolution] is a respected and powerful clan
preferred game types: judo, complex environmental mods (where you can use walls, etc. to your advantage) and anything involving upper torso (not bad with lower torso however)
In-Game name: OldBean
References: none
Belt: Brown 5000
Past Clans: none
Why do you wan't to join: Used to be a freelancer like everyone else and I though clans were for people who didn't have the strength to strive for themselves. But my views have changed since then because theres no buzz of success when I win, it's all becoming a bit tame for me. So I decided to join a clan.
Qualities: Used to relax moves, lower and upper body skill about the same, so i'm well balanced. I'm always experimenting, so I find lots of different fighting styles.
Prefered game-modes: Judo, Classic, Environment Mods. I'm getting a bit sick of DQ after a body part touches the ground.
Last edited by OldBean; Jun 8, 2008 at 04:40 PM.
Echomarine 4 the win
In-Game Name: May0naise..
References:I'd like some...
Belt: 3rd Dan
Past Clans:Smooth, NO, Urban
Why you want to join [Evolution]:Why not?
lol jk because the clan is awesome and i was trying to join Evo earlier but my friend invited me to Urban so I joined them.

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In-Game Name:Mahulk16-0
Belt:2 dan
Past Clans:TAG and Predator
Why you want to join [Evolution]:to help out. u'll are one of the best clans to me.and my freind is in and it's very cool. (^__^)
In game name: Damasta97
references: none
belt: 2nd dan
past clans: freeze
Why you want to join evolution: b/c i hate not being in a clan and evo is awesome.
if anyone could review my post (#111) could you please and then also tell me a certain time that i could possibly be tested?
(just a note, my in-game counter is frozen at 248 games until 3rd dan. it has been like this for about 5 months now. even though i can still get toricredits i feel like i would be at least 4th or 5th dan by now if my counter wasnt frozen)
Name: h1tm3d13
Belt: Orange (but kick ass ive betten a couple of 10th dans)
Reason: Im here to repricent the name of Evolution cus i wanna ok!
THe reason im only Orange started 2 days ago and 20 games away from green so ye come watch me and u'll see im good!