Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I pretty much only play scout :D

But my main people are.

Blood hunter ( most played hero )
* insert name of support hero so i dont look like a noob *
Originally Posted by BlakNWyte View Post
A lot of those are situational Dom, like only regen first. Bottle mid is very common and viable strategy for heroes that are good at rune whoring. And no tanking creeps? Tell that to legionairre :]

anyways, I have a bunch of ingame smurf accounts, but the one I play most with Tyler is called Prothero.

It's mostly better to get stat items + low cost regen items, then get bottle from courier (if your team is pro enough that is). Stats > bottle for start of game survivability.
Unless your someone like tb or hag who relies heavily on rune control for their laning play style. TB spamming nukes for instance (long range harass and last hits to compensate for his 350 attack range). On other mid heroes like dead wood you might get loggers because that fits his playstyle, and on other heroes you might go like you said, stats + small regen like CD or someone. and like you said it depends on the team your facing too.
Last edited by BlakNWyte; May 1, 2010 at 01:38 AM.
I've discovered I can actually play Witch Slayer somewhat above my usual skill level of below average competency, any tips on item builds?
<~suomynona> TITS OR ELEELETH
I remember I once played with a Keeper who at level 17 still didn't have Eyes, and we were up against 3 gank heroes. Needless to say we got raped. Zeph is ridiculously overpowered. I mean 400 DPS to every one around him? It's far too powerful.

I usually play Magmus or Vindicator, although I've recently been trying out Moon Queen.
Originally Posted by Eleeleth View Post
I've discovered I can actually play Witch Slayer somewhat above my usual skill level of below average competency, any tips on item builds?


Control + F + ".heroname" for all the heroes. I have this bookmarked