Not only did I not receive a pm but there has also not been a single post in this board over the weekend, lame people..its almost as if you all have 'lives' or something.
Thedevill:im 20 years
Thedevill:i have better to do
heh, regretfully I do have a 'life' sometimes. Friday I didn't get home till 12pm. Saturday I left at 9am and didn't get get back till 10pm.

I really just wanted to sleep; it was a busy weekend.
This guy was once a GameMaster
Ekk, that's not good morbon. Good luck, haha.

Originally Posted by maxfire1 View Post
yes, we do have lives but it will all change during summer
btw good luck morbon

Wise words have been spoken
This guy was once a GameMaster
Name: Murilo12
Age: 11
Timezone: + 5
Sex: male
belt: Black
Best Mods: Aikido, Wushu, ninjutsu, AikidoBigdojo, lenshu, Parkour
Previous: DeadAngel clans, BoomHit (dead), smooth.
Thank you for seeing my application.

My life

I was born in são paulo, I lived with my mother and my father, more when my father divorced my mom I had 2 months and I live with my mom, have been growing and today I have eleven years.Met a fighting game called toribash was ai that I started my real life I met several players like: and12k, Tamakuu, biocrack14, supersquad, thinker, destroyyou, sighhawk and many others, when my account was hacked I used an account called '' War00 '' was when I met Tamakuu and wannabekitfox, they are great players although wannabekitfox means that hates me.
I started posting on forums to see if I get a little popular ja have 122 posts.Well that's what I have to sum up my life.

* Murilo12 *
This actually isn't the correct place to post applications; we have an application thread. Also, your application says you are a black belt, but you are an orange belt.

I'm sorry, but I see no reason to accept you.
This guy was once a GameMaster
How was the new year for you guys? Got any resolutions you plan to fufill throughout the year?

This New Year was pretty chill for me. I didn't do much, but it was good. I really just plan to get through my classes.

P.S.Who wants to do a bit o' recruiting with me later?
This guy was once a GameMaster