Actually, this makes me reconsider the thought of kicking beaboss... Maylene already did that earlier today...
art board mods: if they dont understand it its not cnc
'Sup all! Haven't been playing/posting much recently due to finals in school >.<
Looks like the clan is getting more active and the activity will increase quite a bit in summer. Let's get this clan official.
@RushingDraco: Welcome to NAO!
3rd Dan|Latvian|Baltic
Post to clarify why I'm not posting or whatever (1: boyfriends been taking me out alot and so on (2: the game was starting to make me angry, depressed and unforgiving giving me a shorter anger fuse (f: this is why I'm not on because I'm having fun and trying to fix myself down so I am not hostile to people without reason.

Also art happy I posted now and this took forever