What's your GMT, Muse?
Last edited by cozzakilll; Oct 4, 2012 at 02:12 AM.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Gmt + 2 and I will check out that thread soon trice, thanks for the link bro
Made by Fenris
Are you looking to be a member? Because I don't think you can.
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
He won't fight with you.
He's just telling to you that you can't get into [A] until you have a really good relation with Muse
I can't even play this game
:P, xson, I'm not that hostile once you get to know me. But until then, I will keep my eyes on you..
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.