Touretto's English could use a bit of work also whos weapon ill say yes
Last edited by Harry6103; Feb 8, 2016 at 03:16 AM. Reason: Error
No Longer Active
What I have to offer Wapow:Moderate-Advanced skill.
Favorite Mod:Mushu
I play every day.
I am not very active in the forums, I don't have much to discuss about and/or post.
I do check and respond to my PMs.
My belt is Black, soon to be Second Dan.
I have been a member since 2014, I have been in Shadow Army since then, I just recently got back into playing Toribash.
My only hobby really is Gaming.
I'm homeschooled, so I don't really have any friends other than online ones.
I'm not very good at sports etc.
Hello WAPOWers.
My user name is magnum8769(mag)
I'm a 3rd Dan.
I play toirbash everyday after Icome from school at around 3:00 P.M.
I'm very active at posting on the forums, but I always check my inbox and see what's there.
I'm not that good at sports but I am decent according to my friends.
My toribash experience has been great so fr because most of the people I met so far are kind and friendly.

Thank you, I hope you read this
Last edited by magnum8769; Feb 10, 2016 at 04:45 AM.
I am Crimson Flame
Applying For Wapow
Hello Wapow, my name is Joey im 14 years old.I live inn Indonesia that will be GMT +7.I choose wapow because i think wapow is a clan full of nice and cool people, also i want to improve my skill here in wapow.

What do i offer to wapow?
Well i got nothing to offer but i can offer wapow my help in clan war,event ,etc.

My Favorite mod?
Well my favorite mod is judo because judo is fast money and fast qi :P,but i can also play abd,mushu, and spar.

How often i play?
I used to play this game everyday but because of school now i can only play this game at weekend and holidays.

Did i post regularly on forums?
No,because in forum i just checked market and inbox , even tho i dont know how to post something but i can working on my forum activity if u guys want me to.

My toribash experience?
Well my toribash experience is not bad i guess like i said before i liked to play judo and i can also play abd

Well i guess thats it from me Thanks
Have a good day

Also idk what makes you people think that you'll get in with that app also please read the first post
Last edited by Harry6103; Feb 10, 2016 at 06:16 AM. Reason: Error
No Longer Active
What do you have to offer WAPOW?
As a 1# clan im sure there is need to be talented, so yeah i have 69-70% winratio with a dan 2 belt and almost 3
but what's more important i'm able to offer my friendship, help and activeness for everone here.
I'm also mid advanced in adobe illustrator, making my own textures and sets improving my skills.
here an example of my Bicep 512x512 texture

What's you favorite mod?
i love Aikido and Boxshu mushu.

How often do you play?
as long as i have an Clan i
usually play everyday when i got the time ofc.
But everyone has their own private stuff and i'm not diffrent.
but i can be always there if needed, just let me know via skype
because even if i can't be there from time to time
i can answer instantly that im for example in the police academy studying stuff.

Do you post regularly in forums?
Forum is something i didn't use that much but i can do that if it's required.

Do you check and respond to your PMs?
Always, at home and outside too my smartphone is always with me x)

Tell us about your Toribash experience.

I use to spend most of my time in practice vs my good guy Uke improving my skills step by step
i play since 2012 and 50% of my play time is pretty much practice
some people may be thinking this is bad but i'm "70% winratio"
though im sure as a famous clan there are people who play better than i do
im not the best but im trying to find a way to be "one of" the best.

Your real life is important too. Tell us about your skills, age, hobbies, sports, social groups etc.
Now my favorite part, the introduction:
My real name is Nikos i'm 18 years old and i'm in a police academy in Poland.
hmm my hobbies, I'm training Jiu-Jitsu and i'm a Robocraft Moderator since 2,3 years now
down there is a list of active admins and moderators (ctrl+f NikosDEAD)
it's one of the best free to play games on steam for those who dont know
i'm doing awesome sketches sadly i draw only furry and anime stuff if anyone want have a look at my work, just let me know via PM. ^^
i speak 3,5 languages Polish German and English kinda greek.
also i watch tons of anime ~2000 episodes on my account
well, thats me i hope i didn't do anything wrong or fail my bad english that much, heh 3,5 languages at once isnt' easy i hope everyone understands that. ^^
have a nice day everyone~!
Last edited by Nikos; Feb 14, 2016 at 01:03 AM.
Good app but a 0 post count. Idk my opinion is leaning towards a no. But I'll wait for some more responses before I make a conclusion.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!