Originally Posted by Noel View Post
It is my way of telling of how much experince he has everyone has their own ways of looking at a app and also how the app is written

youre a newfag too
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up

OBEY Application

About Me

Introduction: Hello members of Obey. My name name is Davonne Davis. I'm 16 years old turning 17 the 20th of April. My time zone is Eastern New Jersey GMT+5. I live in a small town named Carteret. I play for my High-Schools's basketball team. Basketball is my passion and what i want to do for a living. I have One Sister and Two Brothers. I work around the house with my father for a allowance time to time. If anything you need to know more about me let me know.

Forum Information

I mainly use this toribash forums to communicate with any particular clan i'm in, To look at art, Sells and buys, Suggestions, And the market.
I think my forum activity is pretty good. I would say i post at least 4-8 times a day. Maybe even more. I can be on the forums more often also since i currently was off this whole week so Hallelujah to that. Things that make me stand out as a individual on a forum are that i like to express my opinions on certain things. I'm not the type to go on a brag. If you get the point. I'm also downloading skype so if i'm accepted into this clan you guys with be aware.

In-game Information

I'm currently at the belt rank of 1496 and the global rank of 7689
I also think my in-game activity is great. I'm in-game most likely everyday, Unless i have to help my dad out around the house, But other then that i always have time for Toribash most likely. I've also never been infracted and/or banned for Toribash. I believe my in-game strengths are mods like Aikido, and Ninjustu, Rk-mma and etc. My weaknesses could be mushu. Mods i'm successful in are Aikido, Greykido, Ninjustsu, ErthTK and a bit of Taekkyon. I am the competitive type as well, I like to win but i'm not the competitive type to rage after a loss of a shovel or something of course i'm going to be frustrated but its best not to let your emotions affect you a lot. I will also be available for anyone Tournaments, Wars and events this clan attends to do. I've also spoken to Hattersin about my previous clan.

Thank you for reading my application, I would love all the feed back and if any questions please ask them.


A couple of Multiplayer matches I've had
Attached Files
M1.rpl (43.8 KB, 3 views)
M2.rpl (41.1 KB, 3 views)
M3.rpl (68.9 KB, 3 views)
M4.rpl (81.6 KB, 3 views)
M5.rpl (46.5 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by smoggyz; Jan 4, 2014 at 11:39 PM. Reason: To add something in my Application
hie mie nam is william carrington an i from pencilvania.i jut joned toribash an i think me pro.i 7 year old an i lik hampa becaz he cool an nice.i was born in rich familee an i go to wasshinton eleemntary scool.i hav 3 xbox an if yu let me jone the clan i giv yu free xbox.if i jone i wil be god leeder an i wil kik hatterson.i wil leed yu guys to rank 1 war clan.hatter wil onlee leed yu guys rank 4.4 is bad.first is worst.secon the besst. third the turd. fourth the one wiht the hairy chest.i dun lik hairy chest.if i be leeder.we wil tak over the playgrond an beat the big kids. em god in asasincreedtower.tbm an lolnade1.tbm
thes ar my replays becaz they cam on toribash fo free:
*triggerh appy**bounc e*
Attached Files
demo2.rpl (239.3 KB, 4 views)
0headkick.rpl (64.8 KB, 3 views)
Oblivion.rpl (866.4 KB, 3 views)
A Walrus Anthology II.rpl (408.0 KB, 5 views)
i_like_it_on_top_of_my_head.rpl (192.6 KB, 3 views)
Last edited by babbybab; Jan 3, 2014 at 04:13 AM.
Name: Brandon Sharp

Age: 14

GMT: GMT+/-5:00

Competitive game modes: Mushu, Wushu, Aikido, Aikidobigdojo,
greykido, erthtk, Taekwondo, Taekyyon, rkmma, torisex

Some general stuff about yourself: I started playing toribash in April 12th, 2013. At first I was skeptical, but I decided not to give up and tried to be as persistent as I could be. As I progressively got better I started to try different mods (xspar, parkour). The more I worked on my skills the better I got. My single player replays are ok, but not that great. I am still trying to work on them though. I love to do clan wars because I always to better because it gives me a challenge and encourages me to do better. I feel I could bring a lot of skill to this clan as well with a good sense of humor, maturity, and good sportsmanship. ;)

Forum Activity: 8.5/10 (unless real life problems interfere)

In-Game Activity: 8/10 (unless real life problems interfere)

Replays: (both of the 'Requiescat in pace' are WIPs)
Attached Files
#Chilled - After The Storm.rpl (297.1 KB, 4 views)
#Spar - Young.rpl (542.2 KB, 5 views)
#Chilled - Daylight.rpl (148.7 KB, 3 views)
#Chilled - Demons Inside.rpl (377.5 KB, 6 views)
Last edited by Chilledon; Jan 4, 2014 at 03:04 AM.
[My Replays] | [Aether] | [PM Me For Request Mods] | [Tricktionary]
[Static] | [Xioi] | [♥2WC♥] | [iFred] | [Oblivion]
WereWolf4 application
Hello guys. My name is Caevion (age 14)(ingame name is werewolf4). I live in North Ogden, Utah. I am a Second Dan Black Belt. Things I like to do on my free time is hang out with family and friends, play basketball, and do some playstation4.....toribash obviously.

My best mods are Aikidobigdojo, lenshu3, rkmma, and xspar. I started spar and park our about 4 months ago. Friends said that I improved faster than a lot of people(like this clan. They adapt to what their apponent does and makes the best out of he situation). Things I can contribute to the clan are fighting skills, maturity, good reputation for being kind, and I can be there for the clan when/if you need me. If I were to rate my ingame activity out of ten it would be around eight. Forum activity out of a ten would be 3(that will change to hourly if I join this clan just to ensure I stay in it). The only time I won't be active is if I'm grounded or other personal problems are occuring(I will tell you if so).

An interesting fact about me is that I made it on the high school varsity basketball team but got injured at tryouts so I don't get to play this season.

Sorry about this...I don't have Skype yet, but I'm getting a mic soon, so I plan on getting a skype account.

One random thought that came to mind is I will put 10 percent Of my TC into the lan bank at the end of everyday. Or when I have to get off the computer. Also, as of now I can't put any replays on because I'm on my iPod at 1:51 in the morning writing this rediculous application.

P.s. - I only left cobra because the leader became very inactive ingame and on forums. What is a clan without a leader....nothing!! I think Hattersin will always be there for this clan.

Thanks for your time. (:
Last edited by Werewolf4; Jan 4, 2014 at 10:13 AM.
Posts deleted, I'll talk to you when I get back unless someone goes ahead.
Wolf, while you got kinda lucky you're denied for missing the entire thread.
PM me with any and all questions