Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Forum/Irc Activity:I am on the forums at most times in the day.
Past Clans:sin
Best Mod:judo/akido, both, but will be better at akido after I am trained by muur.
Talents:I can make some amateur head textures.
Why do you want to join?:I wanted to join becasue this clan looks like it will be a great clan, and I really wanted to join an active clan, which this one looks to be. The reason I left sin was they were VERY inactive and argued amongst themselves.
Why should I let you?:I would be a good and faithful member and would only leave if the situatuion demanded it.
Info about yourself: I live in Alaska, which is not a barren land of ice as many people think it is. I'm not going to mention my age, since that's something that I don't like to give out on the internet, as a rule of mine, but I am not some 13-year old kid who can't spell.

Thanks for reviewing my app.
#Magnus - #Sigma
you seem to be pretty nice.. but trained by muur took out my hope about you, anyways, could you please post some replays, i'd like to see if you are good

and the part of "13 years old kid who cant spell" really make me feel bad and nervous cuz i am 12 and i can spell very well D:<
Last edited by Rial; Jan 25, 2011 at 10:16 PM.
Alright here are some recent replays, My computer crashed and I'm in the process of restoring the backups. Also, I haven't been trained my muur yet, but soon. Also, sorry I meant the stereotype of gamers are 13-year-olds who can't spell. I meant to say that I may be somewhat closer to that age (by a few years) but I spell great and have normally good grammar, and will speak without adding lol every few sentences. I didn't mean to insult you, I'm sorry.
Attached Files
m-beatlindzee.rpl (43.6 KB, 6 views)
m-legsever.rpl (24.6 KB, 6 views)
m-groundinto.rpl (38.4 KB, 5 views)
m-beatmurr.rpl (40.9 KB, 6 views)
m-smash.rpl (32.9 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by Nameless; Jan 25, 2011 at 10:23 PM.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Hmm I say yes to nameless. He seems very determine. And he also tried hard on his app. So I think he will be alright here.
I say yes to we need members and he fills the app pretty good

and you don't say ur belt to us...
Oh, I'm sorry, the apllication never mentioned belt restriction and I forgot to mention it myself. I am a green belt with 10 fights left to become a blue belt. This was where I was originally, before toribash was hacked, So I am now finally making progress.
#Magnus - #Sigma
I'll look thorugh my replays when all of my data has been recovered and select the best singleplayer ones. Though, I mainly play multiplayer, because my strength is in reacting to my enemies. Uke doesn't react.
#Magnus - #Sigma
Requesting Single ally.
Sup Muur.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up