Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by MpoNori View Post
what makes you stay for so long?

indonizer <3

Originally Posted by MpoNori View Post
speaking of beberapa tahun lalu, time really flies by. what are you guys up to these days?

waiting for sbmptn & simak results
wml chemical engineering ui/itb

Originally Posted by Cuci View Post
I feel bad for you.
The only grade i will get bad, and forever be bad.
is our national language.
Forgive me for i have sinned.

i feel ya man
bahasa indonesia is rly hard
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
Originally Posted by MpoNori View Post
ngeliat kamu disini berasa memanggil memori lama dari beberapa tahun lalu <3

speaking of beberapa tahun lalu, time really flies by. what are you guys up to these days?
currently facing uas and i dont think my grades gonna be as good as my last term

gl with the test

libuuur karena udah UAS
tapi beres lebaran ngambil semester pendek
Originally Posted by Cuci View Post
The only grade i will get bad, and forever be bad.
is our national language.

tfw gapernah dapet dibawah 70 buat B. Indo
Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
chemical engineering

y would u ever
Please bring back Organiζations board
Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
tfw gapernah dapet dibawah 70 buat B. Indo

i never got below 70.
i got 78 which is pretty bad. But instead i got 100 in English.
I'm weird i know.
Perasaan 78 gak jelek jelek amat '-'
Also, disini ada yang pernah ikut debat inggris ?
never got myself involved into debating, cuz i suck at debate
Originally Posted by Azion View Post
Perasaan 78 gak jelek jelek amat '-'
Also, disini ada yang pernah ikut debat inggris ?
never got myself involved into debating, cuz i suck at debate

Debating feels fun, even though i never tried it.
Debating as a whole feels fun in my opinion.
Originally Posted by Azion View Post
Welp, susah imo
saya orangnya susah buat memahami sesuatu, so..

Well you are gonna learn it yourself sooner or later.
Debating is a big thing in a community.
Originally Posted by Wyverneon View Post
y would u ever

love me some chem (& physics & bio)

Originally Posted by Azion View Post
Perasaan 78 gak jelek jelek amat '-'
Also, disini ada yang pernah ikut debat inggris ?
never got myself involved into debating, cuz i suck at debate

my first (& only) debat itu ttg food technology & sustainability di UPH
first round and we got butchered by the kids from tarnus
we got better the second round though

my take why it was absolutely fun:
1. you prove people they're wrong
2. you prove people you're right
3. you rekt people w facts and figures
4. now you know facts to rekt other people irl
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
waiting for sbmptn & simak results
wml chemical engineering ui/itb

Ah! An SBMPTN Warrior, I see!
Best of luck my man. When it says that you passed there'd be no other feelings that can match it.

Originally Posted by Azion View Post
Welp, susah imo
saya orangnya susah buat memahami sesuatu, so..

I say you better join as you'll learn a thing or two.
youll learn how to construct a better argument, and sepertinya ini yang paling penting cuz its not just going to help you with the debating, but academic purposes as well.
since keliatannya kamu anak soshum/IPS, its gonna get you far. seeing things in a different perspective is soshum's trait at heart, really.

terkadang orang yang sedikit sulit memahami sesuatu akan lebih memahami hal tersebut dengan mendalam ;)

Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
my take why it was absolutely fun:
1. you prove people they're wrong
2. you prove people you're right
3. you rekt people w facts and figures
4. now you know facts to rekt other people irl

5. youll feel good cuz you proved that youre right (if youre into that kind of thingy)
6. youll feel good cuz someobody proved you wrong (if youre also into that kind of thingy)
we rub a mexican monkey