Why are you jungling rengar :s he's a much better top lane. He's basically a shaco as jungle, can't keep up if he doesn't get kills. And unlike shaco, rengar gets stopped by wards and has pretty poor clear time.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Mordekaiser maybe the best zoner in the game is what i have recently discovered, and if you somehow get behind you just use your shield to poke and pick up cs, also jungle ganks barely phase him unless it is a noct, rammus, fiddle, shaco. And even then you can rush giants belt and tenacity boots to escape faster and cleaner, BUT i wanted to ask if you guys like him better in top as a tank 1st damage after or in mid as just a damage dealer with a shit ton of health to tank a little?
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
The answer is none of the above. Morde gets outclassed in practically every way by other champions. He has no cc, low range, has low base stats, average ratios, and gets gibbed with any form of cc. The only way he's ever effective is when the enemy team decides it's a good idea to group up on top of each other. And even then, it will mean nothing if you can't instantly gib somebody you ulted. If anything, he's a piss-tier clean up champion, outclassed by actual cleanup champs like Kha, Kat, and Yi.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Im in Bronze tho , they love stacking up to get wrecked hard lol.(Btw i do know that Kha is actually way better) never played kat or rengar for that matter, and i suck at early game yi.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Why are you jungling rengar :s he's a much better top lane. He's basically a shaco as jungle, can't keep up if he doesn't get kills. And unlike shaco, rengar gets stopped by wards and has pretty poor clear time.

Da fuk? Shaco does not have as much burst as rengar does when he ganks 6. AS for clear, you are right in the beginning rengar has a tough time, but it makes up for it around 6 because my double q's give a shit ton of attack speed. As for wards I find different ways to gank, if their mid is buying 6 pinks to protect his lane, I am helping my team. Rengar's ult is pretty long so I can ult from a distance and gank. Shaco also has a trash late where for rengar its easy peasy to target the carries.

Oh and also, I am usually a higher pick so I get countered everytime I go rengar top

Originally Posted by Devil View Post

Oh and also, I am usually a higher pick so I get countered everytime I go rengar top

You just gotta kill them once you hit 2 and they are level 1. Rengar's strongest chance of snowballing is the small time frame of being level 2 versus a level 1 top laner. You just get into lane, push it hard getting 4 stacks of ferocity then pop red pot and jump on the enemy once level 2 with Passive > Bola > Auto > Q > Q > Auto > Ignite. This most likely = dead enemy.

I call this my First Blood or AFK strategy.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by ad3556 View Post
Who is a better mid between fizz and diana? I really like dealing burst damage in combos

Fizz can jump to the adc much easier than diana seeing that he can become untargettable for a short time, making it easier to burst that adc down. However, diana persists much longer in teamfights and can contribute pretty great as well, since she's able to disrupt a decent amount of enemy champions with her E. Even if that's a very short disruption, it can contribute immensely.

Do you like staying long in a teamfight dealing high aoe damage (that's relatively easy to hit) and show no mercy of the moon? Buy Diana.

Do you like jumping over all the enemy team, land on their adc and give urf a nice meal, but becoming pretty vulnerable afterwards (and having fun trying to stay alive while chunking that enemy team into bits)? Buy Fizz.

I personally play Diana much more than I play Fizz, I find it more enjoyable when I land kills with her than I do with Fizz, but that's just a personal opinion.

Diana counters Fizz... Take that fish
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
The answer is none of the above. Morde gets outclassed in practically every way by other champions. He has no cc, low range, has low base stats, average ratios, and gets gibbed with any form of cc. The only way he's ever effective is when the enemy team decides it's a good idea to group up on top of each other. And even then, it will mean nothing if you can't instantly gib somebody you ulted. If anything, he's a piss-tier clean up champion, outclassed by actual cleanup champs like Kha, Kat, and Yi.

"1) Mordekaiser is perfectly Viable, both as a Top and a Mid, though he's got a major weakness in both his lack of escapes and the fact that he can be CC'd pretty hard since he's not the best with range. That said, if you've got a team that can really murder the AD carry and get your ult off with that, Morde can carry the game with a Ghost."

Had to take this from a forum post because I couldn't really put it in my own words as well as someone else. While he is very weak because of mentioned lack off CC, his vulnerability to CC and lack of range, his ghost is just too strong to ignore. If the person playing Mordekaiser is smart, you can easily get lane advantage against many champions simply by playing smart, taking wraiths to get level advantage etc. His ghost is the strongest thing about him because of how well it scales off of fed opponents if you take their items into account and the fact that on hit items actually work. (botrk anyone)

If you're planning on playing Morde at a competitive level I would definitely get some practice first because, as Oracle said, he can be outclassed by many champions if you don't know what you're doing and sometimes even if you do.
Originally Posted by Lume View Post
"1) Mordekaiser is perfectly Viable, both as a Top and a Mid, though he's got a major weakness in both his lack of escapes and the fact that he can be CC'd pretty hard since he's not the best with range. That said, if you've got a team that can really murder the AD carry and get your ult off with that, Morde can carry the game with a Ghost."

Had to take this from a forum post because I couldn't really put it in my own words as well as someone else. While he is very weak because of mentioned lack off CC, his vulnerability to CC and lack of range, his ghost is just too strong to ignore. If the person playing Mordekaiser is smart, you can easily get lane advantage against many champions simply by playing smart, taking wraiths to get level advantage etc. His ghost is the strongest thing about him because of how well it scales off of fed opponents if you take their items into account and the fact that on hit items actually work. (botrk anyone)

If you're planning on playing Morde at a competitive level I would definitely get some practice first because, as Oracle said, he can be outclassed by many champions if you don't know what you're doing and sometimes even if you do.

So basically, Morde was made weak like that to counter just how devastating his ultimate can be?..
Well, to test out Morde I played a ranked today and I found him fairly strong, ended up going 16-4-10 or something, I find although I was easily kited we were still able to win even though they had a 26-4-10 Caitlyn from our bottom lane feeding.

I'm in no way an expert and I only play at a gold~ level but in my opinion the devs could have made him weaker in other aspects because if they didn't he would just destroy everything in his path.