Kiss it on the booboo
then bandaid that up. It'll be right as rain.
Also this place is too spammy.
wow that
Originally Posted by patrickooo View Post

Is there anyway to fix(<3) a finger that got hurt?

Amputation is the only option.
I just want to say that doing single dms is more ambitious than boomhits, because it's harder to make them look good most of the times.
oh yeah
I put myself and Nearly in power. You guys were doing an okay job, but me and nearly plan to change some things around here and get back to enforcing a little bit more.

There are things to be done gentlemen.
the goblin
So, you want to be sneaky when you say that Tamer0 sucks, but then you want everyone to think that he's a douche for no reason?

hm ok
oh yeah