I was never really a Nintendo fan, and they've done nothing these past 10 years to make me one. I'm more of a single-player guy, I really do appreciate good stories and aesthetics in games, and like Pitch said, I feel like their stuff is mostly aimed towards pre-teen kids, families and party-gaming people. While their games are undeniably fun(they must be to get so popular), that's their only merit. But the way I see it they've been milking what few IPs they have to death. What do they really offer(this is not a sarcastic question) besides Mario and Zelda? And their spinoffs? They had success with the original Wii and (in my opinion) its gimmicky motion controls largely because they were the only player on the field, but that's largely done. I don't believe the Wii U will be nearly as successful. It has the same problem the PS Vita still has, a lack of really interesting games. You can't sell a console without several really good titles for it. I thought Sony knew that with the Vita, but apparently development has been slow. If they do it right cross-play with the PS4 could be huge, but I have my reservations.

And Nigma can be harsh, but then again we all can xD
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
@Nigma: Your attack's halved, so sure.

And Nintendo offers Pokemon :3
My kicks will give you U-NO-POO.
Hunters - Trespassers will be pwned.
Technically, just saying "That's a useless post man." is just as useless as him saying "oooooooOOOO!!!!".

Anyways, this board is dead/dying, we need to do something about it.

Something rash and without much thought.

Omega you're up.
Nigma Disconnected
Quit Game.
Eh, the board isn't dead or dying. Lurking people are lurking, like me :U

I guess we'd need a new discussion topic or something like that to get some action back in here
Alright then. What are your favorite TV/web series, are you watching some currently and did you like the endings of those you've finished watching?

P.S: If you're going to spoil things, please use spoiler tags. Otherwise we might kick you.
One of three leaders of [Hunters]. Chat? Identify yourself:
Pokémon! No spoilers here, I watch it because Ash makes stupid decisions.

Pokémon Origins will be epic!
My kicks will give you U-NO-POO.
Hunters - Trespassers will be pwned.
Well personally I don't actually watch the show, or haven't seen much from the episodes, but A LOT of my friends are talking about a new TV serious called 'Breaking Bad' and it's season finale. Not sure if it's been released yet or it's yet to be shown, I can't really spoil anything since I haven't watched the series but there's supposed to be a twist in the end or something relative to that.(Not sure if you want to consider that as spoiling)

But from what I've heard of this TV show it's supposed to be an amazing series to follow, I'll probably end up downloading it later on and see if it's as good as it's been said to be
I'm also curious to know if any of you guys current watch/seen the series, i'd be curious to know your thoughts on it.
Last edited by Lynx; Oct 6, 2013 at 11:50 AM.