a fact about me
>have gf
>didn't waste any money on her
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by secks
Hanya orang bodoh yang menghamburkan uang untuk sesuatu yang tidak berarti semacam pacaran.

that is why i don't think you exist.
a made up personality and character for the interwebs to find interesting?

na affens pl0x.
Like a lie
Originally Posted by Sage View Post
wivarn sux. u won admit emotions exist. stahp being a hypocrite.
even THO YOU yarself show that yus are feeeeling et.
but patapons r alwees rait.

Nope, Love does not exist
Feeling, emotions, or any stuff you said
I admit, it does exist, but it will die faster than a decapitated poisoned blue fapping pegasus on fiber diet
Originally Posted by Sage View Post
cie yang duduk depan gebetannya c:

Screw you
Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Someone is jealous.


Edit : [IMG]dontgiveashit[/IMG]

Rebel says

Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Hanya orang bodoh yang menghamburkan uang untuk sesuatu yang tidak berarti semacam pacaran.

^ This is truly wise

One more time people, love does not exist, even though it is, it will die soon
Please bring back Organiζations board
Wyvy is a robot
Love conquer all
hatred happiness everything
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Saya mencintai diri saya sendiri lebih dari apapun, ahahahaha.
There is no point to love others.

Originally Posted by Tricerafi View Post
a fact about me
>have gf
>didn't waste any money on her

You sir, are lucky.