so good to see you again

opener reminded me so much of mrjingles 50 shades of red
the position at 336 was a bit wierd, especially that lumbar ;o
the hits and movement and magically appearing momentum were incredible i have nothing to trash talk

if you dont think this is five times better than the current replays youre probably giving current stuff too much credit
Last edited by pusga; Mar 28, 2014 at 03:36 PM.
oh yeah
The only fault I can see is how you let your left leg fly out on frame 445
other then that amazing.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
hey, cool to see you again

opener was pretty swaggin', and you held up good flow as usual

for a replay after a decently long period, I so little to no rust build-up, so

gj, wb i suppose
the goblin
Well, the replay was short, i don't have much things to cnc, the opener was good, a thing that i detect on you, it all depends of the people if they think if that's good or bad, but u contract your leg to early after a kick, like in the first kick your leg touched just a little bit, in the second kick it touched more but still not touching a lot.
RSO Teacher
Woah nice to see you again even if I never see you ingame or forums, but nice replay though. I like the opener but the leg contracting looked pretty unnatural like victor said. Still I liked the replay other that that, 9/10
Cats <3
Still amazing as usual

Also... Helooooo
Last edited by fett175; Mar 29, 2014 at 04:29 AM.
<fett175> So what you're saying is, I can type whatever I want here and it will be at the bottom of all my posts?... AWESOME
Nothing that special, simple opener, spins are good, but looking at the hits I am not really amazed, you're contracting your legs too fast after the hits, so when I am looking at it, i see lack of good hits up there, just a little DM's happening by just scratching uke ...
That is the truth when it comes to this replay, deal with it.
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
too lazy to fix the twitches at the end

thanks antleronio for the name
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Last edited by Internet; Mar 31, 2014 at 08:30 PM.
opener was a bit weird, but the manipulation itself was well executed.
those dms were good, though I really didn't like the grab decap.
The manip was alright, but I've seen better from you. I mean it's cool, but it doesn't have the usual flare that your replays normally have.

The dms were awesome, they're just so clean and smooth and have such an amazing pattern to them.
gg on those dms, really buttyful.