Originally Posted by Nickone View Post
Hi, My name is Nick and im Australian That loves the computer im online basically 24-7 So im always up for gaming and stuff im pretty active unless i have stuff to do during the day, And i would like to join C3 not only because i know some people in here but because this clan looks pretty active and nice, I post when im on the forums witch is when ever im on.. And yeah i like playing judo mostly so u can usually find me in black-belt judo just chilling So if u would take your time about accepting me it would be much appreciated Thanks for taking your time to read this and i hope u accept me, Cheers mates.

I'll make this quick.

Those are two absurdly long sentences...

Why should we accept you?

What made you choose C3 over other active clans?

You're online 24/7? O.O;


Originally Posted by MasterZoik View Post
Game Name:Masterzoik ( as you can see above my avatar ).
Belt:7th Dan.
Why i wanna join: This is a nice clan, i have been watching over it for a while why i have been in my other clan/s and it hasn't failed yet.
Past Clans: Vortex and this ( if i get in ).

Thx, Masterzoik

Ooh and I wov dragonlaye!!!

I'm also going to make this quick.

Of course we know your game name. I don't think it's necessary to point it out.

Why do you think C3 is a nice clan?

You haven't applied until now, even though you were watching our clan for a while, apparently...

You quit Vortex... Explain the reason why, since we don't particularly like clan-hoppers. If you were kicked, state the reason why you got kicked from Vortex. If you quit, ._.

Why should we accept you?

No one really cares if you love dragonlaye.

Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Answer his questions for a better chance at getting in :P
hampa Moderated Message:

also, it's effing glOw.
Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
I'll make this quick.

Those are two absurdly long sentences...

Why should we accept you?

What made you choose C3 over other active clans?

You're online 24/7? O.O;


Okay u got me there they were long.

Why? U dont have to accept me but i would like it if you's did. I wanna meet new people And be apart of a good clan like this one.

I have a friend here And i wanted to get to know the C3 clan also.

haha, Its hard to believe but i hardly sleep lately & school isn't working the way it should. Im fixing that soon.
Originally Posted by Nickone View Post
Okay u got me there they were long.

Why? U dont have to accept me but i would like it if you's did. I wanna meet new people And be apart of a good clan like this one.

I have a friend here And i wanted to get to know the C3 clan also.

haha, Its hard to believe but i hardly sleep lately & school isn't working the way it should. Im fixing that soon.


What makes you different from the other people who have applied?

I keep seeing the same things in each an every app. it's bugging me.
Originally Posted by Nickone View Post
Okay u got me there they were long.

Why? U dont have to accept me but i would like it if you's did. I wanna meet new people And be apart of a good clan like this one.

I have a friend here And i wanted to get to know the C3 clan also.

haha, Its hard to believe but i hardly sleep lately & school isn't working the way it should. Im fixing that soon.

> Obviously.

> If there's no reason why we should accept you, then (personally), I won't.

> You don't need to join a clan to get to know it's members. ^_^

> -.-;
Proud Member of
[C3][Anime United]
Originally Posted by LastGod View Post
7 Total Sentences, 4 of which are run-off. Use proper grammar, spelling, and use periods!

Who told you that?

I don't think wasting our time in general is something we like. The way you state that implies that you intend to waste our time, even if the reason isn't bad.

That's............... something that isn't relevant to an application to join a clan.

Your current age would be enough information. Age is actually unimportant to us. Your maturity, on the other hand, does.

/me looks around
Does anyone care about the schedule of the day of someone else?

My vote is a neutral for now. I have met him ingame, and he's somewhat a nice guy. On the other hand, his application.... uh...

/me cries in corner

P.S. Yes, I was watching K-ON! (I was on a K-ON spree for a while XD)

My birthday I thought I might have some in common with all of you.

On the wasting time part I was meaning I did not want to make a bad app with horrible reasons but my reasons were ok O.0?

My name I was just telling you a bit about my self as though I dont like my name and if I could change it I would change it to aster smith.

Also for my schedule it was just so you know if I am not active its because I have school or am tired from it and/or might be sleep,But when I wake up I will post on clan forum so you guys and girls will know I am on.
Last edited by kaiokay; Mar 22, 2011 at 12:34 AM.
I have items you have TC- Lets Haggle..... |TMA|PSY|TNT|AU|