yeah, but still. It feels weird, coz u need to go blink after euls and then, there are games when you still need bkb or be more tanky(although maybe i need to use euls more to dodge stuff, dunno) and then i have no dmg. Ill try this build few more times i guess. See whats will happen.

But i fucking love how fast you can farm with it. Its like the best part of euls on sf
Those Juggernaut and Axe nerfs. Goodbye spin to win meta, we hardly knew ye.

Also, Winter Wyvern.

Picture this, for a second: Winter Wyvern safelane farming with a support Drow Ranger. Proceed to crying.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
never played him in wc3, but with his % based attack thing he looks more like a good scaling support or a mid laner with his control spells.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
His skill set and stats (from wc3, anyway) makes him seem really nice as a roaming support (a la "4 position"). Maybe a midlaner, but I'm not sure if he would really benefit from it that much. Clearly a good ganker/teamfighter, maybe even initiator under the right circumstances.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
his ult makes for perfect initiation, a giant reverse axe call
and his skillset makes him quite XP reliant, but not so farm reliant.
sorta like puck, except less reliant on getting the blink, get a core item or two, move yourself from position 2 to 3. a good scaling offlaner like void or bb could replace him fairly efficiently.
synergy between his ult and others looks amazing. jakiro, phoenix, darkseer and warlock ults sound particularly appetizing.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
his ult makes for perfect initiation, a giant reverse axe call
and his skillset makes him quite XP reliant, but not so farm reliant.
sorta like puck, except less reliant on getting the blink, get a core item or two, move yourself from position 2 to 3. a good scaling offlaner like void or bb could replace him fairly efficiently.
synergy between his ult and others looks amazing. jakiro, phoenix, darkseer and warlock ults sound particularly appetizing.

He can definitely use a fast level 6, but isn't the best with farm. Sounds like a great offlaner to me. His Q could be used to escape too.
I've seen WW in 3 games now, and every time he built MoM and maelstrom?!

This isn't how I imagined he would be played!!!
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff