Added you hayz (eisme is my summoner name on euw).
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
Played a placement ranked game on my smurf. Went top J4 and for some reason had 400 ping...

Ended up going 13/0/9.

Also speaking about J4. Watch this epic montage I made.

Please don't put text of what he's saying. It ruins the experience. Text usually does.
see, at the end of the video, it was actually funny because you made references to other things without making another screen for me to read.
Last edited by ed; Jun 24, 2013 at 07:27 PM.

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by Ed View Post
Please don't put text of what he's saying. It ruins the experience. Text usually does.
see, at the end of the video, it was actually funny because you made references to other things without making another screen for me to read.

You dare defy his willy?
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Started playing Rango top in blinds with a couple buds cause they high bronze - low silver, so the top lanes I get matched against aren't competent enough to buy armor to counter me.

Shit it's fun. Easy kills in lane because everyone underestimates the power of jumping aa + aa reset with 100% ad steroid + aa reset with 200% ad steroid. And you just bush monkey all lane phase and have instant range on every bit of cs and massive zoning potential. Then you start roaming and the mid lane doesn't know what fucking hit them. One moment, safe laning against lux, next moment, cat in your junk and you're down to like 10 hp with a giant laser about to fire.

Also, playing ranked 5v5s with them as well. Only yordle team comps. Which is kinda hard, cause mumu gets banned for every placement match practically, so our jungle has either heimer, poopy, or rumble. And if lulu gets picked, we automatically have to fall back on teemo support. We've only played one match, but we won it so, naturally, we're full of ourselves.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Started playing Rango top in blinds with a couple buds cause they high bronze - low silver, so the top lanes I get matched against aren't competent enough to buy armor to counter me.

Shit it's fun. Easy kills in lane because everyone underestimates the power of jumping aa + aa reset with 100% ad steroid + aa reset with 200% ad steroid. And you just bush monkey all lane phase and have instant range on every bit of cs and massive zoning potential. Then you start roaming and the mid lane doesn't know what fucking hit them. One moment, safe laning against lux, next moment, cat in your junk and you're down to like 10 hp with a giant laser about to fire.

I remember arguing with someone on these forums (what a surprise, right?) about the state of post-nerf rengar. He's still very strong when played correctly.

Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Also, playing ranked 5v5s with them as well. Only yordle team comps. Which is kinda hard, cause mumu gets banned for every placement match practically, so our jungle has either heimer, poopy, or rumble. And if lulu gets picked, we automatically have to fall back on teemo support. We've only played one match, but we won it so, naturally, we're full of ourselves.

And so you should be. Support heimerdinger is a thing, you don't need to play teemo. The blind duration when you don't sweetspot his E increases with rank (I'm assuming your friends will miss all the time because I'm a prick), it goes all the way up to 3 seconds!
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
And so you should be. Support heimerdinger is a thing, you don't need to play teemo. The blind duration when you don't sweetspot his E increases with rank (I'm assuming your friends will miss all the time because I'm a prick), it goes all the way up to 3 seconds!

Interesting tidbit, wasn't aware of it. I'll bring it up next time I talk to them. And we're pretty much auto-locking lulu instantly because we don't want to run a cheese support. Our support, while he did main support, is a pothead :s

Seriously, the dude spent like 2 hours eating croutons in voice chat. While having mini-orgasms over eating croutons. So it was basically 2 hours of hearing crunches every half second, followed by moans every 10 seconds.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Devil View Post
After a long long wait, I finally hit the series for silver, can anyone here give me tips on what I should do before I try playing for it? I don't want to loose seeing I gain 9-5 points per win each game :|.

dont be afraid to dodge

Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
I remember arguing with someone on these forums (what a surprise, right?) about the state of post-nerf rengar. He's still very strong when played correctly.

Yeah except you're about as strong in a fight as pre-rework Evelynn.
Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Lost 2 promo series so far, fuck my life...

Doesn't dodging end the promo series?

dodging gives you a loss