I am cursed.

Ranked with darius - lost. Troll support.
Ranked with mf - lost. Legit one, that was pretty bad.
Ranked with malza - won. Fucking miracle, managed to carry.
Ranked with cait - lost. 4v5.
Ranked with cho - lost. Teemo 'support' 0/7
Ranked with soraka - lost. 3v5
Ranked with malz - lost. Uncarryable, support sejuani 0/6.

Demoted to bronze II.
ggwp riot, quality soloq.
7 rankeds, not a single one without flamers or afkers.
Welcome to league of legends, Powas.

Also, try out muting everyone and using pings to communicate. I find myself playing a lot better, and you may think that typing helps communicate, but 99% of the time, people will disagree with you, and start a fight, or ignore you and nothing is solved. I've started to improve alot and I find myself winning a lot more. If only I started sooner... My hidden elo is already horrendous from me losing games by getting in fights that don't even matter with stupid people who no matter what will think they are better.
Last edited by sham; Jun 20, 2013 at 01:38 AM.
Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
How do you counter a cho'gath?!!?!?
The guy's feast is just plain annoying, omg xL
We couldn't do anything T_T

Guardians angel ahaha, tyrnd/kayle/zilean ulti... It's the funniest thing when a cho feats on someone with guardian Angel.
Hi Friends! :)
I've played ADC Kennen for the first time and I've got to say its good. Qualified to Silver I series, god damnit.
I am atm at Silver II->I series. ADC Kennen op. My new pick against Cait, can lose early but late game is better due to alot of stuns : o