Originally Posted by l0lix View Post
My active?

Or lower than 140, like 120 cause cant check flame
Last edited by Evien; Jan 13, 2018 at 08:25 PM.
Originally Posted by Heat View Post
how much could i get if i sell my witch hat

100k im pretty sure
pm me your questions or applications

dance with my dogs in the night time
cash to burn
how much nowadays is a :

full 512 x texture set
full 128 x texture set
full joint 512x set
full joint 128x set
Originally Posted by xxnx View Post
how much nowadays is a :

full 512 x texture set - 225k - 250k
full 128 x texture set - 17k - 20k
full joint 512x set - 335k - 375k
full joint 128x set - 85k - 100k

Pretty sure around there.
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