Umm, Kerbal Space Program I guess. I made a rocket and flew it to the Mun! And past the Mun, and into Kerbol eventually, I suspect. Actually it seems Kerbol is fake and I'm never going to get there. Still in space though. Everyone except Jebediah looked like they were wetting their pants. That guy is weird.

EDIT: Oh no, i'm actually falling back down to Kerbin. Somehow it's gravity is stronger than the not-Kerbol. SCREAM, LITTLE KERMANS! SCREAM! Except jebediah. That guy is weird.
Last edited by Acavado; Jun 2, 2012 at 07:41 AM. Reason: *inconspiciously conspicuous whistling*
Jebediah is my hero. Also, I'm aiming to make a rocket and land on the second moon this weekend. :3
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
Umm, Kerbal Space Program I guess. I made a rocket and flew it to the moon! And past the moon, and into the sun eventually, I suspect. Actually it seems the sun is fake and I'm never going to get there. Still in space though. Everyone except Jebediah looked like they were wetting their pants. That guy is weird.

EDIT: Oh no, i'm actually falling back down to earth. Somehow it's gravity is stronger than the not-sun. SCREAM, LITTLE KERMANS! SCREAM! Except jebediah. That guy is weird.

This post annoyed me. It's not called the "Moon" or "Earth" in KBS.
Since she didn't actually capitalize the M in moon, that part is technically correct. :3
crazylars: Nope, I'm just dumb
I miss you Foxfaeg, I will never forget you <3
Got the new Humble Bundle. Full version of Amnesia here I come (used to play the demo)
Proud member of Pandora
My god I want the bundle so much. I was entering the details for Mum's debit card but it turns out there wasn't enough money on it...

I hope Mum gets paid before it runs out... I would cry. I want to play Superbrothers and Psychonauts so much. I've played through Amnesia with a friend but I only downloaded it, I would really like to own it properly.

EDIT: So yeah, Kaddon being the wonderful person he is decided to buy the bundle for me. Delicious Cereals for everybody!
Last edited by Puffbunny; Jun 2, 2012 at 06:46 PM.
Delicious cereals all around!

I must finish my math homework soon and then I will receive $20 from my dad I just need to finish before the bundle runs out.
My new favourite zombie survival game.

Edit: A pic of me playing during night when I heard zombie shrieks in the forest.

nope nope nope

Last edited by Arbalest; Jun 6, 2012 at 05:42 PM.