Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Technically, it is a list of all bans. There are no bans associated with an account that isn't banned. Those sorts of things are not tracked by that system, but rather by the infraction system. However, the details of other people's infractions are not going to be made public.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
Originally Posted by crith View Post
why wasn't there a lottery this year ("because there wasn't" is not an acceptable answer)

I've talked about that here and here.
Tl;dr lotteries take a lot of time and effort and we don't have adequate tool support developed to run a lottery satisfactorily to what we want in order to lessen the time and effort. But seriously, read my posts. I wrote them for a reason.
You wrote a script to distribute items for the event I hosted for Christmas right? On the TSA side doesn't that make things simple or even trivial?

Having a willing user host the event and keep track of tickets and simply present you with the list of prizes to send and where should make lotteries viable I think?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
You wrote a script to distribute items for the event I hosted for Christmas right? On the TSA side doesn't that make things simple or even trivial?

Having a willing user host the event and keep track of tickets and simply present you with the list of prizes to send and where should make lotteries viable I think?

Yea, disgruntlement with current tools is what's led me to looking into automation of forum stuff. So now that I've gotten started into that I've been working on expanding what I've written to include additional useful functions and implementations. Unfortunately that breaking point for me came a little too little late for a Christmas lottery but I'm hoping to get something working for Easter.

So yea you're correct - now that I'm doing this stuff on my own something like that is definitely possible (and trivial) in regards to generation and sending.
Even something like:
1. Monitoring tc transaction messages received on an account and parsing a form that the sending user fills of which ticket type to buy
2. Randomly drawing winners
3. Sending prizes
Could be possible with a bit of work for a completely automated configure, run, and forget style lottery bot.

Little bit offtopic, but down the line there's a lot I'd like to do with this sort of stuff to make lives easier for the staff (things like automatic tsa action writing for certain time frames of a user's transaction history for reversing trades for msquad guys, or a tool for easy alt detection based on logins and other factors) and tools for the rest of the community (remake of the bigbro ingame user searching tool and an irc support/faq bot are two things I'm considering). Only road block is the amount of time I have to development and testing; but it's something that I personally enjoy doing and if it'll be saving time and helping people down the line then that's a bonus. Doing a bit of bigger project I think will be a great learning experience personally too. If you want to see the little start I've made so far then it's all in here. Once my internship's done and I'm back at uni I'll have more time to work on it which will be good. And when it's all set up better and I have a clear plan for the way ahead in mind then any help for interested parties would be greatly appreciated. ;)
Originally Posted by Solax View Post
I've talked about that here and here.
Tl;dr lotteries take a lot of time and effort and we don't have adequate tool support developed to run a lottery satisfactorily to what we want in order to lessen the time and effort. But seriously, read my posts. I wrote them for a reason.

oops sorry, should've read back further. thanks
Your pal,