2 weeks since last application...this must be a bad one then...(My application)

Main Account Name: Wyhz, currently banned for accountsharing to help and ended up getting caught one day. GGGGGG. Current Belt: Blue I do believe, but I am a smurf.
Clan History: On this account I have only been in Demolition (Demo). But of all time, I have been in (Tiger), (Ninjutsu), [im], and of course, (Demo) again.

How I Rate My Aikido Skills from 1 to 5 (5 is best): I would say I am possibly a 3...I'm not the best but im not the
worst, I will say I need lots of more training, but soon enough I will end up being atleast a 4. Near perfection.
Describe My Aikido Play Style (3-5 sentences): I'm a mixture of everything really, I'll lift, i'll shove, i'll tackle,
I'll drag, i'll even do some risky stuff. But overall, I love to do lifts more than anything but sometimes some random
stuff ends up happening and I end up getting shovelled or lifted. Anyways, as I said previously, I love to lift more
than anything else. ;P
Why I Want to Join Team Aikido (3-5 sentences):I really and truly love Aikido and would love to continue my relationship
on it with fellow Aikido players. I want to grow my knowledge with all of my fellow players and spread the knowledge I
know to them.
Type an X in brackets if you agree to the following: [X] I have reviewed Team Aikido's Knowledge Base and reached a basic understanding of Aikido Principles and Techniques. [X] I agree that if accepted, I will be an active and contributing member of Team Aikido through posting in Chat, Replay, and Knowledge Base threads. [X] I agree as a new member, I will read the Original Post of each thread before posting.

Also I have no replies because I will only post them if I get accepted. (WHICH MEANS I WILL HAVE TO BE TESTED IN-GAME. I KNOW THIS)

This has been Chelsea, this was my app to TA(Team Aikido), I hope I get accepted, and i'll see you, IN THE REPLIES!
Last edited by Aetania; Feb 1, 2017 at 06:18 AM. Reason: Had to add something which is very vital.
Main Account Name: Hellafun
Current Belt: Black
Clan History: N/A
How I Rate My Aikido Skills from 1 to 5 (5 is best): 3, I feel that I am not in control when I win sometimes
Describe My Aikido Play Style (3-5 sentences): I like to grapple, when I first started playing Aikido I saw that control and grip placement were keys to Aikido. I just do not find striking effective. Control over your own body and your opponents is the key to victory, this is something my wrestling coach was very good at teaching. I find that if someone has a better grip than their opponent, they often win. That is something I apply to my Aikido. Fighting for a better grip is something I and every player should think about.

Why I Want to Join Team Aikido (3-5 sentences): Your organization as far as I have seen in the knowledge base teaches what my playstyle is about, grappling and control. To a wrestler in real life, seeing an organization teach realistic tactics and moves is something I love. I want to be a part of something that personifies my beliefs and concepts, and I hope you will accept me.

Type an X in brackets if you agree to the following:
[X] I have reviewed Team Aikido's Knowledge Base and reached a basic understanding of Aikido Principles and Techniques.
[X] I agree that if accepted, I will be an active and contributing member of Team Aikido through posting in Chat, Replay, and Knowledge Base threads.
[X] I agree as a new member, I will read the Original Post of each thread before posting in that thread.
[X] I agree to represent the Aikido Team in the Toribash community, and to never shovel in a competitive multiplayer match, duel, or tourney.

The replays are in the order that is asked in the original post.
Attached Files
Cool Decap.rpl (38.3 KB, 4 views)
Counter.rpl (60.0 KB, 3 views)
Proper Suplex.rpl (38.4 KB, 3 views)
Domination.rpl (33.1 KB, 3 views)
Funny.rpl (40.8 KB, 3 views)
@Dare: Replays are required. Please add them to your application.

[!]Hellafun- You are being reviewed in council.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
All you who are interested in joining should click HERE to join our discord server. Getting to know who you guys are is becoming a more important part of the application process, so I highly recommend you join and talk to our council members.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
[+] Hellafun - Accepted into TA welcome aboard! Please jump on discord and also check out tiers.
[+] Impulse - Accepted into TA under your clan partnership. Welcome aboard.
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
Main Account Name: Zelp
Current Belt: Black
Clan History: Satire, night
How I Rate My Aikido Skills from 1 to 5 (5 is best): 3
Describe My Aikido Play Style (3-5 sentences): I feel as if my aikido play style is a mixture of Denfense and offense. Because some times i feel like trying to protect myself as much as i can, and other times i feel as if i want to attack the oppenent head on.
Why I Want to Join Team Aikido (3-5 sentences):I would like to join team aikido because i have read most of the knowledge base and really like what you are doing and would like to be part of this. Also i feel as if the members of Team Aikido can help me improve on my aikido skills.

Type an X in brackets if you agree to the following:
[X] I have reviewed Team Aikido's Knowledge Base and reached a basic understanding of Aikido Principles and Techniques.
[X] I agree that if accepted, I will be an active and contributing member of Team Aikido through posting in Chat, Replay, and Knowledge Base threads.
[X] I agree as a new member, I will read the Original Post of each thread before posting in that thread.
[X] I agree to represent the Aikido Team in the Toribash community, and to never shovel in a competitive multiplayer match, duel, or tourney.

Sign Here: Zelp
Attached Files
efrgrg.rpl (36.2 KB, 8 views)
frgege.rpl (41.5 KB, 8 views)
frgegee.rpl (38.2 KB, 6 views)
frgegeeergre.rpl (46.8 KB, 7 views)
efrgrgf3g.rpl (41.4 KB, 7 views)
Last edited by Zelp; Mar 4, 2017 at 09:02 PM.