In my experience roamers and non-lane supports are extremely underused in pubs.

I play roaming 5 whenever I can, but I don't play much str support. I've been meaning to play more pudge, sven, wk and alch though.

WK being one of the best carries also makes him somewhat underrated as a support.

Semi related jakiro roaming 5 against nature's prophet
It's super satisfying to keep enemy carries/rats at low level and steal their farm. Canceled his clarities a bunch of times, even got a kill.

I'm just waiting for the day that I get to play support riki as an antijungler. Just afk follow them and get free xp, good stuff!
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I dont like solo roaming. Thats why i don't like playing support in solo q. Its hard to convince another guy to roam with you.
Many heroes can solo roam tho, ie anyone with a stun or venomancer.

If you want something less hard support then there's the previously mentioned wk, and pudge too.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
If you are solo queuing it's almost always best to go for a hero that works regardless of how cooperative your team is. Heroes that can shift roles easily. Axe is probably my favorite hero for solo queuing because he can fit in any role except for hard carry and lane support, and is one of the best early gankers in the game.

Regardless, heroes like Juggernaut, Morphling, Axe, Abaddon, Silencer, etc, who can be in any lane and be relevant regardless of how the game is going, are the best picks for soloing.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by kevin909 View Post
First time playing Dota 2; I bought random items. GG

My friend had over 100 tangos by the end of the game. I'm sure you did better than him. Some people don't even buy items their first game!

Also, if you don't know what to buy, check out the in-game guides that can be found in the top left. They are helpful.
I've basically learned how to play dota from Slahser's stream.

I wish I'd played dota before league, it's so difficult for my mind to accept that they're two completely different games that must be played in completely different ways.
Yeeeeesh! Dotabuff displays my matches as "high skill" now!
I'm close to 3k pub MMR, finally.

All these days of playing DotA high as a kite in the middle of night really set me back..

On towards "very high skill"!
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
dotabuff faq:
Q: What does 'normal', 'high', and 'very high' skill mean?
A: It's an information given by Valve in some (not all) matches. It will tell the average skill level of the players in that game. If you want to relate it to MMR, normal tends to be < 3k, high is from 3k-ish to around 3.8k, and very high is over 3.8k.

never bothered finishing my own solo MMR games so i have no idea what my MMR is, my party ranking was 3800, but that dropped to 3600 and we dont play ranked anymore, so thats stuck there.
every game i play is in "very high" now, but i dont solo queue, so who knows.

the gap between 3k and 3.8k is pretty severe, get practising
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Party matchmaking and party mmr is totally fucked.

The other day I played a game with 2 friends who have less than 100 games between them, one guy with about 200 games, and me and a mate both with about 1k games. We got matched with 5 guys with 3k games each, and it was very high skill. I wouldn't rely on party mmr to tell me shit ben!
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff