Originally Posted by danianchua View Post
hay superlolcat thanks for putting me in your clan

1. That was me, Supa isn't even actually here anymore.

2. That was four weeks ago and this is the second time you've posted.

3. I noticed you were applying at multiple clans after you were accepted in Bleu, listing Bleu as a previous clan.

I am formally kicking you from this clan due to you clearly wanting to join only to use us as reference so other clans will accept you. You may send me and Akmal a PM explaining your actions, though I seriously doubt you can convince us you're innocent.
Mirdesoux needs to be removed from member list. He is black belt.

He survived the discussion board without being infracted and he also has good arguments. Impressive.
Hello i still wanna run, i need explaining And i have newfound love for judo! yay
I think, therefore i probably am.
Doctor WHO????
I know that I have no room to talk, but is it possible to PM a warning to inactive members?

If a member has been inactive for, let's say, 3 weeks. You could send them a warning saying that if they don't post in the Bleu forum they may be kicked for inactivity.

We could figure something out to prevent people from posting once or twice and then stopping. Just a suggestion.