Originally Posted by EJM View Post
That's enough for everyone to hate and flame you. Go away, we never liked you!!! :<

instalock teemo 'ap' mid, ranked, 0/9
why such ppl even exist.
Hai guise, I has pro teemo build for yall

Run 30/0/0 masteries because you kill them fastar

use ap reds ap blues and ap yellows with gp/10 quints so you can kill them fastar and get your malady fastar

use ignite and exhaust because you already run really fast and shrooms will slow everybody down

for build start dorans ring for the extra damages and kill them fastar

max e first but build lots of attack speed to do more damages and kill them fastar

go malady nashors bork and then get cap and liandrys because attack speed will make you kill them fastar, then you can hit even harder with your e because of more magic damages.

always rush to lane so you can invis and do super invisble ambush attack :ooo for tons of damage :OOO

always attack the champion because if you kill them you get 400 gold :OOOO that's like 1/5 of the way to your malady

put shrooms on top of each other to stack the damages.

also never leave your lane, because then you don't have your shrooms, and you're a noob then.

so go forward and be teemo and make all them cry because ur too pro
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Hai guise, I has pro teemo build for yall

Run 30/0/0 masteries because you kill them fastar

use ap reds ap blues and ap yellows with gp/10 quints so you can kill them fastar and get your malady fastar

use ignite and exhaust because you already run really fast and shrooms will slow everybody down

for build start dorans ring for the extra damages and kill them fastar

max e first but build lots of attack speed to do more damages and kill them fastar

go malady nashors bork and then get cap and liandrys because attack speed will make you kill them fastar, then you can hit even harder with your e because of more magic damages.

always rush to lane so you can invis and do super invisble ambush attack :ooo for tons of damage :OOO

always attack the champion because if you kill them you get 400 gold :OOOO that's like 1/5 of the way to your malady

put shrooms on top of each other to stack the damages.

also never leave your lane, because then you don't have your shrooms, and you're a noob then.

so go forward and be teemo and make all them cry because ur too pro

I have a better one and it's simpler.

When you're going to go pick teemo, pick someone else instead.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
I have a better one and it's simpler.

When you're going to go pick teemo, pick someone else instead.

It's kind of sad, but teemo is my go-to-champ when I am desperate for a win

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Slowly nearing 6300 IP again, I have kha'zix and enjoy him very much, going to get another champion. My question to you guys is: Elise, Fizz, or Thresh?
If you like kha alot, i'd go for jayce. He's pretty similar in damage output and his role in the game.

If not, Elise is very strong. She can practically do everything. She supports, jungles, mids, and tops. Fizz is hit or miss. Extremely squishy, but once hes fed he has some of the highest damage outputs. Thresh is a support, so if you enjoy supporting, he's one of the best, but most new players do not like supporting.
I'll just leave this here so that if someone asks me for advice or asks me to duo queue with them, they'd remember this and realize how terrible I am.

Seriously, brace yourselves, this will blow your mind

Now I'll sit and accept your pointing and laughing. Bring it on!!
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by sham View Post
Thresh is a support, so if you enjoy supporting, he's one of the best, but most new players do not like supporting.

That can be played both AD and AP, in jungle, mid, top. Tried every role - I only didn't like him as ADC.

Hyde, if You like to troll-and-win, go for Thresh.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Slowly nearing 6300 IP again, I have kha'zix and enjoy him very much, going to get another champion. My question to you guys is: Elise, Fizz, or Thresh?

Elise's damage is fucking retarded. Don't be a huge faggot by getting her. (I am butthurt)

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Oh and, Rengar is a candidate too(cause of his relation to kha'zix). Too many champions, too many choices.