Yes friends, I am nigrar and I would like to join bouncy.

I am the chosen negro of this century to once and for all destroy caucasian, conformist social influence in this world. My task is simple: kill them all. How can I succeed in this you ask? Well, I cannot fully achieve it, as can I not with my erections either, as my penis is seventeen inches in length, and twenty four in girth, once completely engorged with blood. You see, when I become aroused, the amount of blood that passes from my brain into my penis is too much to maintain full mental function, therefore I lose consciousness (and most of the time wake up with about a quart of white penile excrement on my chest from being counter-defiled by the dumb broad prostitute I was most likely with). Anyway, enough of that. I smite these nonbelievers from this earth with my awesome negro powers. Some of my abilities include: living on nothing but welfare checks from the government, having only a diet consisting of fried chicken and grape soda, and asphyxiating people with my absolutely gargantuan cock.

Now accept me you testicle-fondling cumsluts!
Last edited by nigrar; Jul 24, 2011 at 03:04 AM.
Originally Posted by nigrar View Post
Yes friends, I am nigrar and I would like to join bouncy.

I am the chosen negro of this century to once and for all destroy caucasian, conformist social influence in this world. My task is simple: kill them all. How can I succeed in this you ask? Well, I cannot fully achieve it, as can I not with my erections either, as my penis is seventeen inches in length, and twenty four in girth, once completely engorged with blood. You see, when I become aroused, the amount of blood that passes from my brain into my penis is too much to maintain full mental function, therefore I lose consciousness (and most of the time wake up with about a quart of white penile excrement on my chest from being counter-defiled by the dumb broad prostitute I was most likely with). Anyway, enough of that. I smite these nonbelievers from this earth with my awesome negro powers. Some of my abilities include: living on nothing but welfare checks from the government, having only a diet consisting of fried chicken and grape soda, and asphyxiating people with my absolutely gargantuan cock.

Now accept me you testicle-fondling cumsluts!

Hah, he said penis, negro, and testicle, what a funny guy.
[17:02] <Homer> anyone up for some tb?
01[17:09] <BlackBear> No.
[17:12] <Homer> >.>
[17:13] <Dafe> TB is what killed Doc Holiday.
Originally Posted by nigrar View Post
Yes friends, I am nigrar and I would like to join bouncy.

I am the chosen negro of this century to once and for all destroy caucasian, conformist social influence in this world. My task is simple: kill them all. How can I succeed in this you ask? Well, I cannot fully achieve it, as can I not with my erections either, as my penis is seventeen inches in length, and twenty four in girth, once completely engorged with blood. You see, when I become aroused, the amount of blood that passes from my brain into my penis is too much to maintain full mental function, therefore I lose consciousness (and most of the time wake up with about a quart of white penile excrement on my chest from being counter-defiled by the dumb broad prostitute I was most likely with). Anyway, enough of that. I smite these nonbelievers from this earth with my awesome negro powers. Some of my abilities include: living on nothing but welfare checks from the government, having only a diet consisting of fried chicken and grape soda, and asphyxiating people with my absolutely gargantuan cock.

Now accept me you testicle-fondling cumsluts!

PID wasn't this unfunny

Originally Posted by RedDevil View Post
PID wasn't this unfunny


You don't get it RedDevil, look at his cutting edge humor, how dare you say someone so fucking edgy is not fit for this clan, I mean really.
[17:02] <Homer> anyone up for some tb?
01[17:09] <BlackBear> No.
[17:12] <Homer> >.>
[17:13] <Dafe> TB is what killed Doc Holiday.