Originally Posted by Rutz View Post
On a different note, who wants to pay 1000$ for Rutzor ??

Does that include any physical amusement as well?
Originally Posted by leilak View Post
Does that include any physical amusement as well?

Are you kidding me ? for 1k it sure as hell does !
Forever a Stone
ahahahah, this is a good one.
From a looong time ago:
[21:56]<Blam>ManBreakfast: Frunk wants to know why you banned him from IRC
[21:56]<ManBreakfast>oh, fuck
[21:56]=-=Mode #toribash -b Frunk!*Frankie'sip by ManBreakfast
Originally Posted by Rutz View Post
also, for general amusement :

[22:07] * Dexter ( has joined #Toribash
[22:08] <+Rutz> Dexter: is it all true ?
[22:08] <+shuckle> Most likely
[22:09] * Dexter ( Quit (Quit: BYE!)
[22:09] <+shuckle> What a bummer
[22:09] <+shuckle> :v
[22:09] <+Rutz> haha


who knew you'd post this here ¯\_(◕_◕)/¯
yoyo, stoped by to shout a HI
Wuss uuuuuup ? Have I missed anything special ?
The [Urban] Walking Dead [Unit]