Is it possible to stabilize the object so anything wouldn't budge it?
What I mean is to make it solid/freeze so nothing can move it.
Please identify me as HexedChronoBlades.
Originally Posted by VinhVinh View Post
Is it possible to stabilize the object so anything wouldn't budge it?
What I mean is to make it solid/freeze so nothing can move it.

Choose object, click Adv tab and then select "static".
Are there an undo button? I accidently created a new mod and now I feel the pain of my regrets. If no, maybe that should be a new update!
Please identify me as HexedChronoBlades.
I know someone asked this question as well, but to put it into simpler terms. Why can't you play some mods you click on? Like it just resets the game/mod you're playing right now.
[CENTER][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]||-XteraCw-|| [COLOR="purple"] Member of [COLOR="blue"] Origin Council
Games Rules are Messed Up
I dont know what is happening. I posted two new mods and the gamerules are being completely ignored and changed back to default 120 frames, -9.8 gravity (all gamesrules are changed to default) when I load the mod in multiplayer. Works fine in single player. This shouldnt be happening. Anyone else having this same issue?

edit: I noticed that when you go to the mods list, it has errors loading mods when you click on the names, starting from lawz_mas_boxingring_v1.tbm and up.
Last edited by MacSparrow; Dec 17, 2014 at 11:56 PM. Reason: new information
I've got 2 questions: Will anyone ever answer my second question? Is there a way to set a certain amount of points as a goal in a match? I mean the one who reaches - let's say- 50k points is the winner.
I think it's not a too hard programming stuff and it could bring some new competitiveness to the game. In wushu for example running wouldn't be a thing anymore and it can become a real esport mod even without a dojo. And many other mods.

What do you think, is there any chance for this to be put in the game?
Last edited by Uncas23; Jan 31, 2015 at 08:47 AM.
Hello, everyone!!
I wanted to ask what is the TPL Mod in Toribash and if it is a mod I dont have it in my Toribash v4.82?
Winners never quit and quitters never win...
~Pranav123 the EARTH PANTHER~
i have a question i uploaded a mod but i cant open it online i just would open in single player .-. no idea does anybody know why that happens?