it was incredible close though

anyhow, I have played with the fluffy kitteh, and she seemes nice.

its a yes from me too.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
There's been 4 voters so far on the poll, all answered yes. So I guess we call this a new member.

Everybody welcome Fluffykat to the clan!
You all decide stuff without me D:

Omg we will conquer the world by having more girls in clan that everyone else does!!!
"Your ad could be here"
Pandora is my destiny!
Welcome Fluffy! Please don't neglect to ask for your complimentary [Pandora] tag and cupcakes! Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy...!

Eh. Welcome.
I give you the Pandorian Cookie. Every new member should get one. I will leave the plate on the table if anyone wants more of them.
Proud member of [Pandora]
How come whenever a new female starts playing toribash, all you guys'll be like 'OMG A GIRL HUEHUEHUE'. Or something.

See, this is why we don't get too much females in toribash.
master of the universe