Originally Posted by Oracle
Plus each level increases spell range when in locus of power.

Starting lower than his base now, right? Right? Please tell me this is right
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Hey look more than two lines.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Starting lower than his base now, right? Right? Please tell me this is right

I think that it would be reasonable for the rank 3 for the new W ability to give him the same range boost he currently receives (+400, giving his Q and R a range of 1300), and for the rank 5 to give him around 600 bonus range. That way, his poke will be able to compete with the likes of Nidalee (1500) and Jayce (1470). The way things are either both of those champions really need a nerf, or Xerath is in desperate need for this buff/rework.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove
The way things are either both of those champions really need a nerf, or Xerath is in desperate need for this buff/rework.

The thing is that xerath has much more aoe than either of those champs. I don't think he's weak at all, he's just vulnerable in this assassin-heavy meta.
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Hey look more than two lines.
Egh, I don't think xerath is good by any stretch, but there's champions that definitely need a rework more than he does, like poppy, sion, rengar

xerath's problem is that he's a ranged ap glass cannon, which doesn't really mesh, and he has absolutely 0 utility. If someone jumps on him, he has to fight, or die. Escaping is extremely hard because he has to use 2 abilites to even get a single stun which isn't even that long. He's just a worse ap nidalee without escape.
Last edited by sham; Jun 3, 2013 at 12:06 PM.
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Sion overall sucks right now. He's really strong early to mid game as ap, but falls off hard late game. He's really strong as AD from late mid to late game, but suffers from the ad yi and fiora problems of cc instantly shutting him down.

If you have to choose, AP is the best bet. Crush them early, let your adc get ahead, and hear the lamentations of the enemy team.

Well shit. I wasted my IP I guess.
Thanks for the info though, whenever my team are lacking the AP and I don't play Mundo I'll try get some early kills with AP Sion
But also, if Ap Yi fails early, then that's alot of catching up to do.
I prefer any of the ad or ap Yi's. Ad excels well late though but ap I
believe excels early and mid maybe late depending on the other team.
Originally Posted by purangel View Post
But also, if Ap Yi fails early, then that's alot of catching up to do.
I prefer any of the ad or ap Yi's. Ad excels well late though but ap I
believe excels early and mid maybe late depending on the other team.

ap yi is unstoppable if he got a bit feed in early-mid. he can just heal against everything, his dmg is kinda high and he´s immune to cc due his ult.

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Originally Posted by BlubKill View Post
he´s immune to cc due his ult.


Immune to slows*. If you have a single stun, it's enough to shut him down.
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

AP yi is stoppable, all you need is a knock up/back or a stun to cancel his heal, one he gets caught by anything(but slows) he is screwed because of his no defenses cept w. IMO ad yi is more beneficial for a team due to the high amount of damage he can put on a single target and destroy quick enough to reset his timers. Ap yi, you are too dependent on your q and your basic attacks are shit with no lifesteal.

As AP Yi you have to wait till someone from the enemy team has low enough HP amount to be killed one one Q. Then magic happens. Imagine two situations:

1. 4v5 on mid lane, your team is poking enemy team, enemy team is poking your team. Why 4v5? Because you are waiting somewhere at their back, waiting for a good moment, waiting to kill them all in a chain of alpha strikes all over their team..

2. 5v5 on mid lane or anywhere else. Your tank goes in. AD carry deals dmg. Top and Jungler are trying to focus AP and AD of their team. You are going in with Q - their AD carry dies, you Q again. And again. And madness..

and it works only if you know how and when to strike. AP Yi mid is op if he has blue buff. :P

I've got friend that has about 2500 wins at normals, playing since the LoL started, he's a fan of AD Yi in jungle. He buy early Sword of the Divine, goes on bot - Q into their adc - in the same moment activate SotD and Wuju to increase DMG - that's some unbeliveable damage right in enemy face. Early fed, late game monster. This tactic works till enemy finally builds some armor, then just sell SotD and replace it with something more worth in late.