Originally Posted by souldevilj View Post
Bought Vlad, wow he's good, he seems to be a passive agressive kinda guy
I like him a lot, despite the fact his W is worthless for actual damage and the slow isn't worth it since you don't want to be in Melee range xD

vlad is awesome, i had my first and only penta with him.
Shit your ult in, E in, W, Q carry, W again, Q someone = penta
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Alright so I have 3150 and the only champions I don't have at that price are : Gragas Corki Karma Heimerdinger Karthus Kassadin Morde Shen Rammus Sona and Urgot.
Which ones would you prefer?
Get Kassadin and troll autolock Karthuses on draft pick.

I like Sona a lot too. Good poke. Epic buffs. Great mobility. Versatile. AoE Stun. Its just a bit tricky at first with power chord.

In reality though pick whatever calls to you the most, haha.
Originally Posted by Muur View Post
Get Kassadin and troll autolock Karthuses on draft pick.

I like Sona a lot too. Good poke. Epic buffs. Great mobility. Versatile. AoE Stun. Its just a bit tricky at first with power chord.

In reality though pick whatever calls to you the most, haha.

I'm basically adc/support but I often go top. I dunno
Originally Posted by Stellar View Post
Alright so I have 3150 and the only champions I don't have at that price are : Gragas Corki Karma Heimerdinger Karthus Kassadin Morde Shen Rammus Sona and Urgot.
Which ones would you prefer?

There is 1 champ: anivia, master her, you won't regret it!

P.S.: in the ones you mentionned I would pick either shen, corki, karthus or kassadin.

Shen: Insta-lock or insta-banned in ranked, just good to have. He is very strong but as I already mentionned getting good with him won't make you carry in ranked games because he will be banned 4/5 games.

Corki: Average adc, unique gameplay with the sheen/trinity force build, good escape mecanism, a s2 adc, doesn't really fit well in s3 but still very fun to play and easy to farm with.

Karthus: R to win.

Kassadin: never played him because I hate how he falls of if he isn't fed, but he has a very good ganks mecanisms that he can also use as an escape.

If you feel like playing adc, go corki. If you feel like playing ap, go karthus, if you feel like playing blind picks, go shen.

Hope this helped you out in making your decision, because picking a champion in league of legends is one of the most difficult decisions, but once you've found your main champ, god the game is fun!

EDIT: If most of your games have a jungler in them, pick rammus and jungle. However, I don't advise jungling unless you have watched a pro jungler stream and if you play with people who know what a jungler is. If these 2 conditions have been filled, jungling is one of the best ways to climb out of elo hell because ganking lanes/babysitting lanes can prevent an opponent from getting fed.
Last edited by Liquidoom; May 29, 2013 at 11:06 AM.
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Corki is actually pretty strong in s3. Good mobility, plus poke, plus burst, plus an aoe armor shred, plus a truedamage steroid. He's better than ez in my opinion, who gets played a fuckton, but he has a much higher skill cap and more item dependency because of the way his truedamage steroid works.
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Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Corki is actually pretty strong in s3. Good mobility, plus poke, plus burst, plus an aoe armor shred, plus a truedamage steroid. He's better than ez in my opinion, who gets played a fuckton, but he has a much higher skill cap and more item dependency because of the way his truedamage steroid works.

Ezreal definitely isn't as strong as he was in S2 (thank fuck), but people are very used to playing with him so I guess it stuck with people as a fall-back adc or for people who very rarely play adc, their go-to champion. I think a similar thing will happen if caitlyn gets nerfed to the point where she is no longer considered to be hot shit. She will still see a lot of play because people have been spamming her for so long that they aren't comfortable on anyone else.

I don't think corki is as strong as ezreal is. The mana costs of his spells are utterly ridiculous. 80 mana for level 1 Q and 100 mana for W, compared to ezreal with 28 mana for level 1 Q and 90 mana for E. You pick the two of them for completely different reasons, there are champions that do what corki does better but I don't think any adc fits a poking and kiting team composition better than blue ezreal.

I'm having so much fun with wukong at the moment, he feels really strong to me.
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Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
Corki is actually pretty strong in s3. Good mobility, plus poke, plus burst, plus an aoe armor shred, plus a truedamage steroid. He's better than ez in my opinion, who gets played a fuckton, but he has a much higher skill cap and more item dependency because of the way his truedamage steroid works.
Corki is actually pretty strong in s3. Good mobility, plus poke, plus burst, plus an aoe armor shred, plus a truedamage steroid. He's better than ez in my opinion, who gets played a fuckton, but he has a much higher skill cap and more item dependency because of the way his truedamage steroid works.

Corki's late game feels so weak to me. He just doesn't have strong enough steroids without getting too close.
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Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Corki's late game feels so weak to me. He just doesn't have strong enough steroids without getting too close.

I think Corki would work well in a pure AD teamcomp, just stack a bunch of armour reduction. Renekton, Zed, Nasus, Corki, Sona.
Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
I think Corki would work well in a pure AD teamcomp, just stack a bunch of armour reduction. Renekton, Zed, Nasus, Corki, Sona.

Zed has no armor reduction whereas J4. Jarvan does stuff similar to Zed. J4 should be used in an Armor Reduction comp, same goes for Taric as Support.

Corki atm, has only 1 problem and that's extreme mana costs. Apart from that he is a solid adc.
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