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I don't give a flyin' fladoodle
Main Account Name:
My main account name was Draigoon12. But i prefer to use Manitoda
Current Belt:
My current belt is Blue Belt
Clan History:
First it was Nation which merged with im and then left im because of inactivity of the clan for Dae. Left Dae because of Merc asked me to join FC but i left FC because Merc was starting to get annoying
How I Rate My Aikido Skills from 1 to 5 (5 is best):
I can't judge myself but i'll rate in 3.5/5
Describe My Aikido Play Style (3-5 sentences):
My playstyle starts with the clap, and a ungrab either with the right hand or left hand and a stance to start a kick
Why I Want to Join Team Aikido (3-5 sentences):
I want to improve my skills even futher with making friends and asking them tips on how to do aikido the right way.

Type an X in brackets if you agree to the following:
[X] I have reviewed Team Aikido's Knowledge Base and reached a basic understanding of Aikido Principles and Techniques.
[X] I agree that if accepted, I will be an active and contributing member of Team Aikido through posting in Chat, Replay, and Knowledge Base threads.
[X] I agree as a new member, I will read the Original Post of each thread before posting.
Attached Files
Save 1.rpl (44.2 KB, 6 views)
Save 2.rpl (46.7 KB, 6 views)
Decap 1.rpl (51.7 KB, 7 views)
Decap 2.rpl (46.5 KB, 7 views)
Decap 3.rpl (36.0 KB, 6 views)
Save 3.rpl (71.7 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by Rajen; Dec 23, 2016 at 02:45 AM.
[+] jeromejohn- You have been accepted into Team Aikido. Welcome!

[!] Manitoda- Your application is being reviewed in council
Last edited by Rouxster; Dec 24, 2016 at 06:48 AM. Reason: You did it wrong...
Haha! Ur mad!
Main Account Name: XDLOLLOL (Yeah now you kinda know why I don't use this) I used to be a 3rd Dan black belt on this account but I left due to cyber bullying now I prefer to use Sparturnha
Current Belt: 2nd Dan Black Belt
Clan History: I've been in a clan with my friends called the French Toast Mafia it was intended to be a joke clan not to be taken seriously but I left because I wanted to make a name for myself so I've joined FC to show the world my skill.
How I Rate My Aikido Skills from 1 to 5 (5 is best): I'm a skilled player that can easily counter lifts and shovels and I have openers for those too, I do have my days where I lose a lot though but that's probably because of my "High risk high reward" nature, I'd say i'm a 4, I just need to know how to prevent my arms from ripping off.
Describe My Aikido Play Style (3-5 sentences): I'm a wrestler by heart, I grew up watching professional wrestling and I try to incorporate some wrestling moves into my move set, I'm also a big boxing fan and I prefer to use my fists over my legs, It's not rare for me to punch a guys head off clean, I do not like using lifts but if it's the only option left I will do it but I try to bring down my opponent right after so I can get more points, I say I'm a player who likes to play offense more than defense, I can defend and counter very well but offense is what I excel at, even though I'm a player who likes to play offense I'm not the type of guy to punch then fall over right after I make sure that I'm well-balanced first before I perform a move and people say It's very hard for them to throw me out of the ring because I tend to go behind them and let their body touch the ground first when I'm being lifted or shoved, I like to throw in some MMA here and there in my matches and I do a lot of holds, leg locks, and choke holds.
Why I Want to Join Team Aikido (3-5 sentences): Some of my clan mates and even the leader of my clan is in Team Aikido and a lot of people ask me if I'm in Team Aikido because they think I'm good and I do a lot of throws and suplexes that make me look like I'm in Team Aikido, I've also always wanted to join this because I have heard a lot of good things about this from my friends and other people who're also in Team Aikido and I wanted to take a shot at applying, I also seek new techniques to vanquish my foes in the art of Aikido and I want to learn more about it and be in a group with Aikido lovers like me.

Type an X in brackets if you agree to the following:
[X] I have reviewed Team Aikido's Knowledge Base and reached a basic understanding of Aikido Principles and Techniques.
[X] I agree that if accepted, I will be an active and contributing member of Team Aikido through posting in Chat, Replay, and Knowledge Base threads.
[X] I agree as a new member, I will read the Original Post of each thread before posting.
Attached Files
Aikido - Counter Throw.rpl (59.9 KB, 5 views)
Close call.rpl (79.4 KB, 3 views)
Pro Spart .rpl (49.5 KB, 4 views)
Domination.rpl (79.6 KB, 5 views)
Save to turnover.rpl (57.6 KB, 4 views)

(HvC)Havoc Clan Page

[!]Sparturnha- you're being reviewed in council.

[-]Manitoda- you have not been accepted into team aikido. The reason being: your style is bland; nothing really stands out about you. If you want to be accepted into this org, you need to stand out from the everyday aikido player. I do think you're making progress though; this app was better than the other ones. Try expanding your moveset. From what I've seen, your primary moves are snapkicks and basic suplexes.
I don't give a flyin' fladoodle