Going to play Jugg some more now.
6 Agi is just about what he needs to snowball harder, I reckon.
Also the Broadsword pickup in the sideshop is quite nice.
Now you never have to leave the lane early game.
Stout (if you want, I like it) + Stick + Phase + Ring of Health + Broadsword.
With those you should have some kills so you can get an early Battlefury.

Maybe late game Jugg would be more viable now since he can snowball quicker?

Or, I sometimes go Ring of Protection -> Basilius instead of Stout.
If I think I'll be having mana-problems.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Originally Posted by AlphasoniK View Post
Going to play Jugg some more now.
6 Agi is just about what he needs to snowball harder, I reckon.
Also the Broadsword pickup in the sideshop is quite nice.
Now you never have to leave the lane early game.
Stout (if you want, I like it) + Stick + Phase + Ring of Health + Broadsword.
With those you should have some kills so you can get an early Battlefury.

Maybe late game Jugg would be more viable now since he can snowball quicker?

Or, I sometimes go Ring of Protection -> Basilius instead of Stout.
If I think I'll be having mana-problems.

the 6 bracer build was never easier with the new circlet price

also gonna see more 3 nulls OD, puck, silencer / 3 wraith band sniper, drow etc
f=m*a syens


The recent updates, dropping a lot of the attack modifiers is pretty interesting, what do you guys think?

I got a little sad when they had the little terms under the uam removal of diffusal that basically said it will not stack with anti-mage's mana burn, that would've been insane \

I think mjollnior will be the next item to lose it's uam and just have a percentage based rng instead.

DAC coming up and I'm excited to see team secret's new lineup in action, the arteezy+zai pickup was surprising, more so the american than the swede.
Another game as broodmother.

Insane hero. Here's how every game goes;
Win lane by killing enemies over and over again until they stop coming to lane
Kill mid and his friend when he comes for a gank
Push T1, push T2, enemy commits 1 or 2 heroes to stand at their T3 all day every day
Deny entire jungle and protect lane (but don't push the lane).
From 20 minutes onwards be constantly telling team we need to push I'm getting weaker by the second
Around 30 minutes get 6 slotted, 20k xp lead at least.
My team doesn't want to push because they think the game is in the bag (BM has a shit ton of kills and so much farm, enemy team can't set foot in the jungle or their safe lane, ez game LOL)
Time goes by, try to rat but enemy team buys maelstrom and camps T3
Still telling team we need to win soon
Carry is confident that we can win by out farming
Carry is not good at farming despite having a whole jungle and 2 sets of ancients and 2 lanes all to himself
Enemy carry is good at farming despite having no safe lane and no jungle and no ancients

80 minutes later enemy wins the game

To be fair though, morphling is a really bad carry compared to sniper. Morph is a cute hero because of his utility but honestly he's practically useless as a carry. If we'd had an AM or Medusa or some other good quality carry it would have been good.

Problem with brood is you win by so much so early, people just screw around since the game is so easy. They don't want to push or buy support items.

Frustrating that this happens so often - the enemy team isn't a problem, but I spend all my time trying to get my team mates to not get caught up in brood's pace..........

I think I need to stick to ezmode heroes that win the game solo, like Wraith King, PA or Medusa.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
I've started playing a lot of offlane bradwarden lately

People are never happy with my stampedes, holy shit. No matter when I use it/how effective it is, someone always bitches about it.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
To be fair though, morphling is a really bad carry compared to sniper. Morph is a cute hero because of his utility but honestly he's practically useless as a carry.

morph is a bad carry because people build him like a mid hero instead of carry, rather than having a bad skillset for it.
shotgun morph is great at bursting, but whats he going to do after he 2 shots someone?
they stack full agility, but never use the attack speed of that, all anyone sees is eth blade.
eth blade is great in 25 minute pro games, but in hour long pub games, its overated as a carry item.
if you can get a linkens and eth blade at a decent time in a pub game, then the rest of the team has already won the game for you and your eth blade is irrelevant.

personally, i like playing a battlemorph. super hard to kill, with great stats and great burst, even without the shotgun.

Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
People are never happy with my stampedes, holy shit. No matter when I use it/how effective it is, someone always bitches about it.

people shouldnt complain, the more you use it, the better.
use it to save people, use it to initiate, use it midway through fights to disrupt teams, however you use it, its usefull.
people complain too much.
Last edited by BenDover; Jan 10, 2015 at 01:48 PM.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
morph is a bad carry because people build him like a mid hero instead of carry, rather than having a bad skillset for it.
shotgun morph is great at bursting, but whats he going to do after he 2 shots someone?
they stack full agility, but never use the attack speed of that, all anyone sees is eth blade.
eth blade is great in 25 minute pro games, but in hour long pub games, its overated as a carry item.
if you can get a linkens and eth blade at a decent time in a pub game, then the rest of the team has already won the game for you and your eth blade is irrelevant.

personally, i like playing a battlemorph. super hard to kill, with great stats and great burst, even without the shotgun.

Yup I agree.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
morph is a bad carry because people build him like a mid hero instead of carry, rather than having a bad skillset for it.
shotgun morph is great at bursting, but whats he going to do after he 2 shots someone?
they stack full agility, but never use the attack speed of that, all anyone sees is eth blade.
eth blade is great in 25 minute pro games, but in hour long pub games, its overated as a carry item.
if you can get a linkens and eth blade at a decent time in a pub game, then the rest of the team has already won the game for you and your eth blade is irrelevant.

personally, i like playing a battlemorph. super hard to kill, with great stats and great burst, even without the shotgun.

people shouldnt complain, the more you use it, the better.
use it to save people, use it to initiate, use it midway through fights to disrupt teams, however you use it, its usefull.
people complain too much.

I agree. People always complain too much.

About Morphling, if you aren't vsing a Doom or anything, it can be worth it to skip Linkens, go straight to EBlade, and ensure that you get it early enough that it can be effective.
Morph's pretty decent at mid as well, that's another option.
Originally Posted by BenDover View Post
morph is a bad carry because people build him like a mid hero instead of carry, rather than having a bad skillset for it.
shotgun morph is great at bursting, but whats he going to do after he 2 shots someone?
they stack full agility, but never use the attack speed of that, all anyone sees is eth blade.
eth blade is great in 25 minute pro games, but in hour long pub games, its overated as a carry item.
if you can get a linkens and eth blade at a decent time in a pub game, then the rest of the team has already won the game for you and your eth blade is irrelevant.

personally, i like playing a battlemorph. super hard to kill, with great stats and great burst, even without the shotgun.

people shouldnt complain, the more you use it, the better.
use it to save people, use it to initiate, use it midway through fights to disrupt teams, however you use it, its usefull.
people complain too much.

But an early e-blade is always great in my opinion, nuke one person, maybe get another kill off your wave and some right clicks every time e-blade is off cooldown and you're well on your way to having enough farm for the later game, the agi stats gain from an e-blade is incredibly high and although you get minimal strength and int gain, I think it's a great item because 40+ agi is insanely good early on, morph is all about your timing

Personally my build for morph is
Bottle (if mid)
Linkens or E-blade (rush one first, follow with next)
HotD (can turn into full satanic now or later)
then finish off the sixth slot with a manly item (rapier) or depending on their heroes, mkb, bkb, etc

But obviously item choice is very situational.