Originally Posted by fireless View Post
... why do we have a suggest anime thread if people are going to just post asking

The main reason why I didn't close this thread is due to the fact that the main thread includes all anime genres in general. They aren't categorized so that people can find specific types they wish to view (which, I have to start categorizing them...).
It's easier here in this thread since they simply tell us the general type of anime/manga they want to watch or read (or the "template" series), and we give them recommendations based on those preferences.
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[C3][Anime United]
She is the charm of every man.
She is dominating and yet, obedient.
She is wise and yet naive.
Playful and yet cunning.
She is bravado but not shy in showing her tears.

[19:32] <@darilu-kun> tori = furry, bash = pride
Eh. I've still yet to check out Spice and Wolf. I really need to when I get some time.

Also, no third season.
Last edited by up2u; May 12, 2011 at 01:51 PM.
Horo and Holo are both correct names
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
Japanese r = l
Spelling it 'holo' is more correct for western pronounciation. But if you can pronounce the japanese r well enough (it is like a light touch of the tounge to the roof of the mouth, kind of like how the 't' in 'potter' is (but with an r of course)) and it sounds l-ish.
There is no 'l' native to Japanese, it just sounds that way some times.

One of the reasons Horo was called Holo was because of a Japanese Graphic Artist who (incorrectly) labelled her thus.

These posts explain it well:
[19:32] <@darilu-kun> tori = furry, bash = pride