Originally Posted by Acavado View Post
I didn't notice the fruit there in the pocket until... uh, until I did. Then I started laughing hysterically.




I think... hmm. Seriously that just looks weird. But it was fun to draw though. I think I'll make it nice and colored someday. That is, make a full portrait, wallpaper style, wit' rainbowpukes. With an actual pose ie eating things, clawing things, scenery...

Do it, I think it's weird but totally awesome.

Make it big with rainbow pukes and put it on your wall. I would find that comforting to sleep to.

U know, one day I like looked @ ur picture. And the chainsaw doesn't have the dymensio. Da picture is all too gray and u make colors with the pencil a wrong way.
Originally Posted by Puffbunny View Post

See, he's hilarious! Don't take it to heart Dbuhos, they are good drawings.

Excuse me? I mean - NO! Personally I paint the fuck good and don't fuck up and I believe I have the point in what I've said. The criticize is true.