Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Didn't want to quote the long text^ I know what you mean by how varus can escape but what if he gets attacked by.. for example fizz, he gets ulted and bursted down and couldn't land r because of fizz's e and dies right away, now what?

I'm not entirely sure what happened here. Is the varus miles out of position or did his entire team just let fizz walk past them to kill their adc for free?
Last edited by Dr_Strangelove; May 22, 2013 at 09:20 AM.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
fizz can target out single enemies, his e makes him untargetable and travel a great distance his q w e are enough to kill a adc with lich bane.

I am aware of what fizz's abilities do. So he used E to get past the front line? That means that it won't be available for a little while so the varus would probably just ult him. Hopefully with the help of his team they would then just kill the fizz.

If an adc has positioning that is poor enough to just allow an assassin to jump on him and kill him for free, then it doesn't really matter which champion they are using. Do you understand what I am saying?
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
I dont usually have much problem catching axes in teamfights as Draven, but in lane he is extremely strong and as long as you dont get locked down by any hard cc you should be able to catch axes reliably during a teamfight, his E is an interrupt and his W steroid is very nice for peeling for yourself so I've found him to be moderately safe for soloq

i dunno about mf as much because i dont play her too often but her abilities use so much mana in lane i cant imagine ever playing her in a serious game

Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
I am aware of what fizz's abilities do. So he used E to get past the front line? That means that it won't be available for a little while so the varus would probably just ult him. Hopefully with the help of his team they would then just kill the fizz.

If an adc has positioning that is poor enough to just allow an assassin to jump on him and kill him for free, then it doesn't really matter which champion they are using. Do you understand what I am saying?

yup I do but not everyone is perfect and know where to position themself. All I am saying is by the time he uses his e his can easily q in half a second and varus dies before he can ult, then pop zhonya while the rest of fizz team drain down varus team, my point is kind of right too, but you are probably right on the positioning part since I main fizz and if the varus is in the middle of his group he is hard to even get close to.

Hey everybody im EvilKitteh aka 15thProdigy on lol. I am level 19 and a great jungle. I hope to play ranked soon . If any of you can give me tips to rise throught the ranks please do.
You're assuming you're fed and the varus is an idiot. You can replace fizz with any champion + fed and anybody + idiot and your comment would still make sense. And under the same logic, ezreal or any other adc with a jump would be equally fucked against this apparently impossible to react to fizz, despite the fact you have a good second to react to an e in, and the invulnerability only lasts as long as you stay balanced on the pole and pressing e again instantly cancels it, making you waste most of your invulnerability for mobility to jump into a full team, just to possibly q the adc once before you get cc locked and instantly cleansed the instant your r hits the adc, if at all.

Varus is strong. There's no real argument of, oh, but an assassin can jump him and kill him. Well duh, that's what an assassin is supposed to do against any adc, regardless of any mobility the adc has because an assassin is a burst caster with high mobility by definition. Their only counter is lack of vision and hard cc. Varus has the latter, and that gives him the ability to fight an assassin on somewhat better footing than somebody like ezreal, who can get out maneuvered. Varus just ults and ends the mobility advantage of the assassin and puts himself into the damage and burst advantage because of the lockdown and his blighted arrows.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
I personally don't like Varus, he has to play like a bitch because he has no reliable escape or mobility. I think the flexibility of adcs like Vayne and Ezreal mean they would be better in a wider variety of composition than Varus, where he needs the tanks to keep enemies off him.
Originally Posted by EvilKitteh View Post
Hey everybody im EvilKitteh aka 15thProdigy on lol. I am level 19 and a great jungle. I hope to play ranked soon . If any of you can give me tips to rise throught the ranks please do.

I would suggest becoming somewhat proficient with every role before starting ranked, otherwise you're gonna instantly drop to bronze and you're gonna have a bad time.

Do not clash with your team, if you choose to be a difficult person you will have a difficult game where your team does not like you.

Try to avoid deaths as much as possible.

Buy a ward every time you back.

Focus on being a better player rather than winning the game.
Look at what mistakes you're making, rectify them and naturally you will start winning and your elo will start rising.
Last edited by Hippybob; May 22, 2013 at 12:29 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Echoforce View Post
I dont usually have much problem catching axes in teamfights as Draven, but in lane he is extremely strong and as long as you dont get locked down by any hard cc you should be able to catch axes reliably during a teamfight, his E is an interrupt and his W steroid is very nice for peeling for yourself so I've found him to be moderately safe for soloq

i dunno about mf as much because i dont play her too often but her abilities use so much mana in lane i cant imagine ever playing her in a serious game

MF is awesome because she only needs a bloodthirster and a last whisper to do her job effectively, anything beyond that is a bonus.

Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
I personally don't like Varus, he has to play like a bitch because he has no reliable escape or mobility. I think the flexibility of adcs like Vayne and Ezreal mean they would be better in a wider variety of composition than Varus, where he needs the tanks to keep enemies off him.

You don't HAVE to, you just have the luxury of being able to play like a bitch because his kit rewards it. With a champion like vayne you HAVE to be balls deep the entire time or you aren't really accomplishing much. Ezreal is hard to place, his new blue build makes him less of an ADC and more of an incredibly irritating caster.

You fellas excited for the All-Stars in Shanghai? I know I am! It starts in less than 2 days, and it kicks off with the NA LCS Team getting slaughtered by vs the Chinese LPL Team.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg