Originally Posted by Stellar View Post
Finally someone that shares my opinion on Varus; not only is he super strong throughout the entire game, his q can be used to make sure no one survives after a gank. The only annoying this is the length of his ult, you have to be pretty close in teamfights that risks them targeting you.
Also I'm not to sure that Tristana is that strong, I mean she gets strong late game but her early/mid is terrible. I was thinking that the list would go more like: Varus, Miss Fortune, Caitlyn

I find that she's very strong in early levels, aa -> point and click 110 magic damage + grievous wounds for 5 seconds -> aa is a hell of a lot of damage at level 1. Her power takes a pretty severe dive in the mid game if you don't take advantage of this and pull ahead by bullying your lane opponent, or getting some kills.

Tristana, vayne, twitch and caitlyn are all very similar in strength in my opinion, but I've always used tristana as my fall back champion. I'm so comfortable on her it probably makes me biased.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
Varus is so ridiculously strong. In my last game Dargon handed me the laning phase on a plate with his blitzcrank, once we got to mid/late game I was just slaughtering anyone who crossed my path.

The 3 strongest ADs in my opinion are:


Apparently you haven't heard of Vayne.

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
Apparently you haven't heard of Vayne.

Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
I find that she's very strong in early levels, aa -> point and click 110 magic damage + grievous wounds for 5 seconds -> aa is a hell of a lot of damage at level 1. Her power takes a pretty severe dive in the mid game if you don't take advantage of this and pull ahead by bullying your lane opponent, or getting some kills.

Tristana, vayne, twitch and caitlyn are all very similar in strength in my opinion, but I've always used tristana as my fall back champion. I'm so comfortable on her it probably makes me biased.

If you want to contribute to the discussion then by all means go for it, but at least attempt to read what people have actually said on the matter before being so rude.

What do you think makes her stronger than varus/mf/trist/cait/twitch?
Last edited by Dr_Strangelove; May 22, 2013 at 06:11 AM.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
On your top 3 lists, thats where the comment was going to, not to the second post you created, I even quoted it. Vayne destroys tank with her w passive and pretty much has a escape q and an e that can stun plus push people away. Her ult which gives us insane damage plus movement speed can help her chase down or use invisibility in a fight to get away, when varus gets caught, he gets caught. Now I think vayne is the best adc because of the damage she outputs and the escapes she has.

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
On your top 3 lists, thats where the comment was going to, not to the second post you created, I even quoted it. Vayne destroys tank with her w passive and pretty much has a escape q and an e that can stun plus push people away. Her ult which gives us insane damage plus movement speed can help her chase down or use invisibility in a fight to get away, when varus gets caught, he gets caught. Now I think vayne is the best adc because of the damage she outputs and the escapes she has.

Vayne requires a lot of mechanics to be played properly, you don't see a lot of people play her because not a lot of people can use her correctly. That's why she's not on my list.
Originally Posted by Muur View Post
That moment when you have support Ahri and support Akali in two ranked matches because of miscommunication and stubborness...

My god, why did they make queue dodging so ridiculously penalized...

Yeah I know that feel. I play rarely and I got kicked out of promotion series due to my inactivity. Then I got in promotion series again and we had trollpicks. I checked my team's profiles and they were mostly feeders. I didn't want to play with them and I quit the game. I didn't know that they made a punishment like that because I used to dodge before and I only had time penalty. There should be an option for your team to vote after champion pick if they want to continue. It would make longer waiting time and actually getting in to a match but at least people couldn't complain about troll picks or miss communication in champion select.

Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
Varus is so ridiculously strong. In my last game Dargon handed me the laning phase on a plate with his blitzcrank, once we got to mid/late game I was just slaughtering anyone who crossed my path.

The 3 strongest ADs in my opinion are:


Well at late game every adc is like that. Dodging his skills is key to victory. Sometimes when he is casting hail of arrows (e) you can dodge. The cast time is long enough to flash away when going all in or it's possible to just bait E in a direction and then just turn the other way. I've seen people mess up like that. He has no escaping abilities except flash so he is actually easy to gank. I play him a lot and when I'm not the ad carry I'm usually against him. Supports like Blitz and Leona counter him hard. It shouldn't be a problem to convert a kill if you manage to hook him or stun him up. I find some ad carries stronger than him, because they have more mobility. He can get assassinated really quickly, especially in teamfights if the enemy team flashes for you. He is still a strong and viable pick even with lack of escaping tools.
Last edited by Uberis; May 22, 2013 at 06:32 AM.
Just tried somebody out of my comfort zone, Mundo.
And my God his phrase holds true, I could run into the enemy base for the first time ever in my LoL Career xD
Originally Posted by Dr_Strangelove View Post
Varus is so ridiculously strong. In my last game Dargon handed me the laning phase on a plate with his blitzcrank, once we got to mid/late game I was just slaughtering anyone who crossed my path.

The 3 strongest ADs in my opinion are:


as far as that list goes i'd replace MF with Draven but yeah

Originally Posted by Devil View Post
On your top 3 lists, thats where the comment was going to, not to the second post you created, I even quoted it. Vayne destroys tank with her w passive and pretty much has a escape q and an e that can stun plus push people away. Her ult which gives us insane damage plus movement speed can help her chase down or use invisibility in a fight to get away, when varus gets caught, he gets caught. Now I think vayne is the best adc because of the damage she outputs and the escapes she has.

Vayne gets shit on so hard in lane by pretty much everyone though, you have to really screw up for her to get ahead. Of course, her kit does allow for you to make plays in the mid-late game making her one of the best duelling champions, but her range is abysmal so she has to be right in the thick of things when it comes to teamfights. While that might not be a problem if you're ahead, you have NO presence whatsoever if you aren't.

Compare that to twitch, varus and MF. They will always be useful even if they are 2 or 3 levels and a few items behind, because they can offer a lot of aoe damage and/or cc. When ahead, I think tristana functions better than vayne as a hypercarry in teamfights. The resetting jump, the aoe knockback, the +90% attack speed steroid and the longest auto attack range in the game make her so much safer, and makes the job of peeling for her MUCH easier.

Varus does not have any built in escapes, you have to position differently, and position yourself better than you would with someone like ezreal. However it is far from impossible to kite with him, you don't just die if someone jumps on you. You orbwalk away like you do with any other carry, throw down your hail of arrows to slow your chaser by 45% and detonate the percentage hp blighted quiver stacks. If that didn't do the trick you can use your botrk active, or even lock the guy down with your ult for 2 seconds if you're still struggling to escape.

His passive is massively underrated too, it is part of what allows you to harass so effectively in lane. Kill creep, go for a trade with your attack speed advantage, detonate blighted quiver stacks from a safe distance. In teamfights, one assist or kill can completely win you the rest of the fight, +40% attack speed is not to be sniffed at. The same goes for fights in lane, you just clear up so well.

TLR: Vayne is a more situational champion, and a bit weak early. Champions like MF and varus are always strong.

Originally Posted by Echoforce View Post
as far as that list goes i'd replace MF with Draven but yeah

I can't give an accurate opinion of how strong he is because I don't play him, and I don't often encounter him. I guess the NA scene loves him, but to be honest I only really see him as a lane bully. If he relies on catching his spinning axes to be effective in teamfights then wouldn't a dive just screw his rhythm over?
Last edited by Dr_Strangelove; May 22, 2013 at 09:02 AM.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Didn't want to quote the long text^ I know what you mean by how varus can escape but what if he gets attacked by.. for example fizz, he gets ulted and bursted down and couldn't land r because of fizz's e and dies right away, now what?