Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by voicelence View Post
ciee bentar lagi sbmptn (apa udah lewat?)

sup gaiss btw

16 mei

hi mam
Please bring back Organiζations board
Disini siapa aja yang ikutan sbmptn tahun ini?
Siapa tau selokasi sama saya, maaf sebelumnya kalau saya post disini tapi belum jadi anggota.
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

Originally Posted by Sicks View Post
Wyfi tidak sekolah.
Setiap hari bergelut dengan dilema kehidupan, mengais tempat sampah demi mencari sesuap nasi.

Originally Posted by Manitoda View Post
cih. jangan ngeledek bang Wyfi.
jangan-jangan dia udah S3 :3

Originally Posted by Fake View Post
Disini siapa aja yang ikutan sbmptn tahun ini?
Siapa tau selokasi sama saya, maaf sebelumnya kalau saya post disini tapi belum jadi anggota.

Bandung m8 o/
ps: join aja bebas
Please bring back Organiζations board
Saya juga di Bandung, di SMAN 6 Bandung.
Nanti saya join sesudah SBMPTN.
Indonesian? | Magical Mode!
Chronoptic energy bursts from one plane to the other, evaporating anything it touches.

Halo kakak-kakak kelas, have fun with SBMPTN lol
Speaking of which, me & my friends will hold a livestream pembahasan SBMPTN SAINTEK with our local uni friends tomorrow. Might help ya.
Basically we can just ask various questions regarding the subject and such.

Via http://youtube.com/mejakita
or http://mejakita.com/belajarbersama

Kalau ada pertanyaan apa-apa about MejaKita, PM me. Thanks have a good day!
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
Originally Posted by Fake View Post
Saya juga di Bandung, di SMAN 6 Bandung.
Nanti saya join sesudah SBMPTN.

Urang di SMAN 14 bro
Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
Halo kakak-kakak kelas, have fun with SBMPTN lol
Speaking of which, me & my friends will hold a livestream pembahasan SBMPTN SAINTEK with our local uni friends tomorrow. Might help ya.
Basically we can just ask various questions regarding the subject and such.


woah cool ty
mulai jam berapaan? lumayan kebetulan saintek juga, bakal kepake

Starting around now!

Last edited by Wyverneon; May 10, 2017 at 02:15 PM.
Please bring back Organiζations board
Strategi terbaik:
Baca (baca =/= (menghapal or mempelajari)) pelajaran terkait 2 dan 3 hari sebelum SMBPTN, main sepuasnya tepat 1 hari sebelum hari penentuan.

The rest, up to your luck.