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therianthropy.rpl (121.7 KB, 51 views)
11:44 PM - mokoshotar: do you think if i give you a list of bullies at my school you could butterfly jutsu them
Everything looked really good until the second and third kick, imo. You kicked with the same leg and it looked kinda bad. :/
The flip and the pose after that were really cool. Gj
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
Originally Posted by Irrita View Post
You kicked with the same leg and it looked kinda bad

no he didn't.

I like the kicks and the things and 5/b
wow that
my new famous replay
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boat palace made out of boats.rpl (193.1 KB, 68 views)
11:44 PM - mokoshotar: do you think if i give you a list of bullies at my school you could butterfly jutsu them
nice flurry of kicks

don't know what else to say really, maybe work on your pose?

Yeah lets go with that.
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