Well i got home today and my computer is now missing a taskbar. Im going to see about sending in an RMA to newegg to see if i cant get my mobo replaced.
Wombo Combooooooo
can you please don't interrupt me !!!! trying to study chemistry but I have a question for you in chemistry who answers correctly will get 50 tc do we consider aluminium oxide as an acid oxide or base oxide?
Speak the truth......But leave immediately after
I get back and i had to restore my computer to factory defualts couldnt save anything but im back to normal again, On other news while going through my email i saw that someone logged onto this account and sent all the money to someone named krispykre and later krispy key then sent the money to calmdown09 i think calmdown09 was given the password by biggems so ive changed the password to something else and will hold the password. Calmdown09 only took around 5k from the bank so its not that big of a deal becuase i think he donated that but all in all it is a big deal to log onto a bank account that is not yours and steal the money from it. Such a disgrace.

Last edited by cautionbank; Nov 8, 2012 at 12:28 AM. Reason: ~
That stinks... I got a prob with this clan... I never see ANYONE ingame... I've seen swift like 2 times, biggems once... I don't want to go, but there are only about 4 active members... Sorry...
☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
I can't get into game alot of the times becuase of my hardrive and id rather be posting on the forum than being ingame thats just how it is for me, if you called people ingame from the forums they may have went ingame and played but i dont remember you posting anything about hey get ingame or something of that you can always set up a date and see when people can get on or what timezones people are in you have to consider the fact that we all live in different timezones and we all cant play at the same time you can and ingame gets boring now adays for me becuase im a really old player like emoteal i started in 2008 (On a different account (avetar). Not alot of people i know get on so i dont sometimes i will get on and /sa caution and a few other clans but not alot of people show up. Anyways you should have set something up i would have gotten on and i couldve dragged biggems ass ingame with me.
Wombo Combooooooo
About 90% of the time i'm online I am on my tablet. That's why I'm not ingame very often.
If only everyone could be as sexy as me
Is it me or the clan is in very bad situation? I am trying to be active as possible but we really need more active members
Speak the truth......But leave immediately after