yeah well
they're making special "HD" versions of many Apps to fit the iPads resolution
but thats retarded
also giant joke
Mirrors Edge for the iPad
quoting the first comment on the video
...wasn't one of the biggest selling points to "Mirror's Edge" it's "free running" gameplay? The freedom to "go however you want"? Where is that in this?
It' incredibly linear. It's almost downright insulting

all i can say is :|
Originally Posted by steve View Post
iTouch apps get pixelated when blown up to iPad resolution

"Sex is like a velociraptor: Despite your movie-fueled lifelong neurotic obsession, it is unlikely to be found in your house." ~XKCD
[doc]General Chat Thread
I wondered why we did not have one.

Anyways, I'll start off.

I would want to know if Gwie is an alternate account of someone since Gwie(I don't know if I'm talking third person right now) just popped out from nowhere.
Originally Posted by Aspire

[Clans]Grading System
Disclaimer: Take note that I made this purely due to boredom and you should NEVER be offended by this. So don't make this an excuse to fuck up and mistreat me in anyway possible. Did I say you should NEVER be offended by this? Okay. Lets start. To be in the safe side, I am disabling all invade posts made by non-allies and non-clan allies. If you disobey this, you'll know what will happen.

So as what I said in my disclaimer, I only done this for one reason and one reason only. I am incredibly bored and I need to kill time till my school starts this 15th of June. Also, I'll be skipping clans which are not purely English speaking clans. It is WAY HARDER to rate them. Lastly, I'll probably do like 7-10 clans per day since after sometime rating clans, I get bored, k? Also, there is little to no format in grading a clan and it is purely my opinion and experience either being in the clan or talking to their members. I am only grading official clans at the moment due to the fact that unofficial clans may fail and may not even get accepted by the clan council. Now that is taken cared off, time to grade dem clans.

This could help:
- see the background of applicants and help us see if they recently came from a decent or douche clan.
- To take out my boredom till the 15th of June.

This will be on alphabetical order

In my opinion, [42] is one of them average-above average clans which has a wall that prevents them to become a great clan. A purely skilled and art based clan which won't accept anyone without any great skills in any mod or art style. I myself expected that these will be the kinds of clans that will dominate the clans with a promising leader, dillon207, a former [DAT] member but they have fallen to a deep well of inactivity.

Leader(s): dillon207
My Rating: 2.9/5

Definitely, one of those clans which just have casual chat with each other not caring about any other clan and the community, Addicted has been of the most classic and great examples of a strong and united clan. Dating back since '08, I think that this clan would be a good example for those aspiring [DSC] clans. Though once of the great clans of Toribash, they have well slowly but surely became those quiet clans who just do their business in their clan board.

Leader(s): Nobuddie
My Rating: 3.9/5

Pretty much a dead clan in my looks once I glanced over their clan board, I myself had little to no expectation on this one and just expected it as an average clan, nothing special. Though their leader, OfUnknown has been working very hard on this, I'm guessing it is the lack of activity among its members which really made it those dead clans that probably stay dead.

Leader(s): OfUnknown
My Rating: 1.4/5

It is an average clan, with pretty much average members. I don't really see any expectations from them(at first glance) and but they seem they are well organized with their clan board. Because of this, I'll probably rate them as a decent clan with no drama into it. If this clan sticks up, could be the next Addicted or 1336.9(<3).

Leader(s): TheAnimal, Spaft
My Rating: 2.7/5

Guys, their Alpha. Nabi Clan Champions, Elite members, etc.

Leader(s): n/a; No clear leader as seen in their roster though their main representative is Odlov
My Rating: 4.8/5


Atlantic, an average clan with average members. In my opinion, I'll give them my high expectations with their leaders being a prominent figure in their clan and a representative to the community. Though I barely know most of them, I can give that they'll become a clan like Evil if any of their members don't fuck up and just follow the rules, etc.

Leader(s): Castra
My Rating: 2.5/5

Once called the most funniest clan is Toribash(now surpassed by sheep), Bncy is a casual clan with pretty much elite members in their roster. Since most of them are like 18+, you won't really see them active in the forums due to their jobs and shit.

Leader(s): Ishi
My Rating: 5/5

Corrupted Waffles
I can say that Corrupted Waffles is an above average clans with elite members in their roster. They have been well quiet and has little to no drama that affects the community(as what I know of). Anyways, you can say that everyone here is a good and decent guy who has a good to great reputation. Also, this will probably one of the clans which is entirely not English speaking based clan since most of them speak English even though they are part Polish.

Leader(s): Powas, Mistikal, Verax, Shin-Ryuu
My Rating: 4/5

You know when I first went into Toribash, I always dreamed entering DAT due to their skills ingame and the respect they get from their fellow peers. But due to the recent inactivity of Key figures in the clan such as Jepoy and CoKe and the lose of most of their elite members, DAT slowly lost their reputation as one of the best skill based clans in Toribash. Though most of them are still skillfully excellent in winning tourneys, competition and events, their popularity declined which is why my rating has lowered.

Leader(s): Jepoy
My Rating: 4/5

A complete unknown clan for me till I glanced their clan forum, a pretty much average clan with a partly/mostly German based clan. I never heard of their clan members so it would be difficult to give my opinion on them.

Leader(s): R4FF
My Rating: 1.8/5

Dead and Forgotten
Same as clan Darkfighter, a pretty much unknown clan once I glanced their clan forum. Also an average clan with average members in their roster. Though I have heard of some them in the community, I cannot give a complete biased opinion.

Leader(s): aalleecc248, hhu80
My Rating: 2/5

Deadly Seven
I actually helped one of their leaders with some questions. Though they just recently joined particularly their leader, Ongbash, I can give that they are great people and I have my respect for them. They are well organized though they have not become that popular in the general community.

Leader(s): Ongbash
My Rating: 2.6/5

Death Plague
Never really heard of them(though I have heard of some of their members), they seem like an average clan. Their leader, alert242, has just recently renovated it and hoping to take them out of inactivity. i don't really see any potential from them.

Leader(s): alert242
My Rating: 1.9/5

doc people are stupid. They think can have free weed? THINK AGAIN.

Leader(s): steve, Murmayder, Bust3r
My Rating: 4/5

Eh, average clan, average members in their roster. Also, their part Yugoslavian, :o Anyways, little to no expectations from me unless some of them actually do something about it.

Leader(s): perica
My Rating: 1.8/5

Once a above average clan with a impressive leader, dentian. But once his popularity and activity declined, so did his clan, Element. I see no expectations from them at all unless some other member steps up.

Leader(s): dentian
My Rating: 2.1/5

Last edited by Aspire; Jun 11, 2010 at 12:03 PM.
Originally Posted by Aspire

I'm just curious. No one really told me actually.
Originally Posted by Aspire