Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
1v1 them

1v1s always solves everything

I've already beaten them all 1v1, 1v2, and 1v3. Bitches still don't listen <.<
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by Oracle View Post
I play Nami.

In fact, just yesterday I got in a massive argument with 5 people about how Nami didn't need the buffs and was already ridiculously strong. Sure she has high cd, but they are understandably high considering she provides a speed buff, an aa steroid, a heal and nuke, and an aoe cc nuke, and a large aoe cc nuke, which means she should function insanely well in lane as a support, and transition insanely well into team fights. I then promptly reminded them of the time I carried their bitch asses cause of a well-placed q into r that caught their top, adc, and mid for a good 3 seconds and let us push to nexus because of the overwhelming rape that ensued.

Bitches still didn't listen <.< need to reeducate them.

The thing is her cooldowns aren't even that bad. Aqua prison has the same cooldown as dazzle at all ranks (14/13/12/11/10). While Taric does have the advantage of being point and click, Nami's Q has a range of 875 which is pretty ridiculous if you think about it.

Soraka has the only heal with higher base values than Nami for all ranks (70/140/210/280/350 vs 65/95/125/155/185), and that is on a 20 second cooldown compared to Nami's 9 seconds at all ranks. That's not even considering the damage or bonus healing you will probably be doing with the bounces, which incidentally have a longer range than Caitlyn's auto attacks (725 cast range and 875 bounce range vs 625). It's a wonderful ability for asserting bush control when in lane, and is of course absurd when trading or in fights.

Tidecaller's blessing does have a fairly lengthy cooldown but I never really find that is an issue as I'll only use it in lane if a fight breaks out, or in a gank. There is little in this world more satisfying than casting it on an Udyr who has just sped into your lane and just knowing how miserable you have made his victim. Chasing and helping your ADC kite in teamfights has never been easier.

Then of course her ult. Most people tend to compare it to Sona's and assume that it is worse. I disagree of course. A brief knockup cancelling any channelled abilities, followed by a 2-4 second 50/60/70% slow is insane. It's a "WE ARE FIGHTING RIGHT FUCKING NOW AND YOU AREN'T GETTING AWAY BITCH" button. It makes fighting in the jungle unwinnable for the enemy team, and in the current climate of curse of the sad bullet time type team compositions it's incredibly relevant. With this ability she is incredibly strong with lane ganks. Your jungler could be in between your inner and outer turrets when you initiate and he will get to lane in time to pick up a double kill.

Nami rants too gratifying. Why aren't professional players using her?
StarLast and Lasha crushed with her at IEM Worlds but since then nothing.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Originally Posted by Ed View Post
1v1 them

1v1s always solves everything

1v1s in a team game. Omfgsosmartwhydidn'tIthinkofthat?

They don't prove shit.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
Originally Posted by m0nk3y8 View Post
1v1s in a team game. Omfgsosmartwhydidn'tIthinkofthat?

They don't prove shit.

(that's the joke)

بسم الله الرحمان الرحيم

Originally Posted by m0nk3y8 View Post
1v1s in a team game. Omfgsosmartwhydidn'tIthinkofthat?

They don't prove shit.

So winning top/mid lane (without jungle help) doesn't mean anything..?

Originally Posted by m0nk3y8 View Post
1v1s in a team game. Omfgsosmartwhydidn'tIthinkofthat?

They don't prove shit.

Then why did Soaz and Wickd 1v1 for the final spot in LCS EU. You scrubs don't know NOTHING.
That's actually pretty damn useful, I always tend to lose where I'm at in a teamfight, especially when I'm in the front line. Always ends up with me right clicking the shit out of everyone only to find out that I'm just a little bit behind the front line still =P
<&Erth> fagm <&Erth> duck <&Erth> *fuck
Fagm duck fuck everyone.

Originally Posted by eddy1217 View Post
So winning top/mid lane (without jungle help) doesn't mean anything..?


Doesn't count. Anybody can gank other lanes if they wanted to, and 1v1s don't mean shit because First Blood is GG.

Also if you win lane without jungle help then you probably outplayed your opponent at lower levels (Got ahead so you won lane) and warded correctly to prevent the enemy teams jungler from ganking you.
(this actually helps your team because your jungler is probably ganking other lanes)
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.