INVADE! If you guys are looking for a war find my members in game they are looking to war as well
totally forgot about you, ishi :o
feel free to war whenever you want, but im not sure if anyone will be able to join since you are always asleep when we are on.

@Mal, we'll look out for you and your clan whenever we are in the mood for warring :]
ordered 2 books for the summer
cant wait to actually holding them in my hands and read them because its always so damn boring in the train :L
Surgery went fine Im ok. just sore and tired I was ingame today. I'll be recruiting tonight and I'll be in bed because I don't want to bust a stitch.
Curse these time zones and weird hours at work. In fact curse you work. can i do recruitment? i generally just refer people to the app page if they are fun to play against. though it seems none have made it there it seems.