Hey dont blame me okay? It's not my fault they have posted my pic. I'm not shamed.
I dont need weed to get you high.
Facade and Hug added to allies, Riszy removed.

[fl0w] Removed due to it being a dead clan.
Last edited by millie; Mar 22, 2013 at 08:27 PM.

Originally Posted by Orko View Post
Seeing as how we merged, we will be staying in [S] as Slightly Silver.

Orko, Orko, you're our man!
Orko, Orko, what's the plan?!

Can we has name change to "Slightly Magical" or "TSSMBOWZ"? I'm pretty sure it is free.
Sparky is a 317 pound Hump-Back Whale
oh, i use gimp. :P i kinda suck but i'm getting the hang at it, i'm pretty good at editing images just not texturing though
[S]ilver, [Ninja] Hood
we can still post here? because i have a short story to tell about a today that was pretty cool, whilst being F*cked up
[S]ilver, [Ninja] Hood