Emerald is one of the best before pokemon ruined it self.
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.
first thing I played on a gameboy (I never had one, it was my friend's) was a shitty fantastic four game
<[Vector]Aadame> damn pat with his mod skills
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no one has ever played legacy of goku
the first two things i remember playing ever were on a gameboy i used to share with my sister. Spyro and Super Mario World
very old and happy memories
Spyro is still good! I have the new one and its still boss af.
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.
Idk the new ones before the remastered were getting worse and worse tbh
Crimson is Crisbon. Good food, tastes good.~Crisbon~ Jim the tuna is a whale.