I read some travel book once and the author wrote about, while travelling in Austria, how the German's thought of Austrian's as German rednecks.

In Australia, all of your rednecks tend to gather in the north/northeast. Our culture capitals are to the east and southeast. General rule of thumb; the closer to the sun, the more dumb.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
You, my friend, have a disturbing lack of historical knowledge. The only reason why they aren't angry anymore is because they lost all their shit after losing the first world war, yo.

Notice how they said 'are' and not 'always were'. I am completely aware of the fact that they lost WWI and calmed down afterwards.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
You'd think you'd be angry with losing an empire, not happy about it.

tfw a warhead (built by sneaky, vengeful Austria) lands in your yard.

Oh, I finished watching Gurren Lagann last night - such a good, over-the-top anime. Like Kill la Kill, except watchable.
Originally Posted by Daedalus View Post
Hello Galaxy, everything is good here, thanks for asking. Also, yes, we have applied for official.

Sorry I didn't respond quickly, I've been dealing with clan issues, as you know. Anyway, good luck with getting official!
Originally Posted by Ele View Post
Oh, I finished watching Gurren Lagann last night - such a good, over-the-top anime. Like Kill la Kill, except watchable.

I never ended up finishing gurren lagann. I finished the first season and never really got into the second season. Is it really worth watching?
League of Legends NA: Locus
You may be thinking of Code Geass, Gurren Lagann only has one season (27 eps) - unless you're talking about before and after the timeskip. But yeah, super-worth watching - one of the best I've seen in a while.
I really wouldn't want to spoil it. Something huge happens 1/3 through it that changes everything. The story is about humans who are kept underground for whatever reason. When some break through to the surface they find that 'Gunmen' (mechas) have the task of exterminating all humans on land. The mystery and intrigue starts from there..

Very good humour, cool-ass art and compelling plot. 9/10