My Application
Hello, I came to join Wapow again (I think) after leaving Toribash for a few months. I haven't played Toribash for a while, but I'm starting to get back into it, and I doubt anyone remembers me, but I used to be a really good player. I am good at ABD, Aikido, Greykido, and rk-mma. As I said, I just started playing again, so I'm getting back into playing regularly, but for now, I only go on for about an hour a day to play, and I don't spend much time on forums, as I really have no need to, nothing really important happens that I have to go to the forums to do something. I sometimes check my pms, but most of the time, they're just the shop saying that I bought somehting or someone bought one of my things. This is the first clan that I've applied to since I joined Toribash again, and I hope I get in.

My Skype is: Opdefiner
If you really want or need to tell me something, use Skype because I'm always on it and checking it.

I'm 13 btw, I don't know if that matters ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Mystofilys WAPOW Application
Hi, My name is Charlie My in-game name is Mystofilys and I Would really like to join WAPOW, I havent talked to many Members but I really admire your guys skill and that you are funny most of the time i see you, Though none of you will know who i am, I only encounter some of you in tournaments and sometimes bet rooms. I am not the best player but I feel in a short time I can get a lot better. My Favourite Mods are Mushu/Boxshu/Aikido.
I spent most of my time until brownbelt on Mushu and then got interested in aikido, I Think that i'm and above average skill level on Mushu, and average on Aikido. I Am Average on Aikido as i'm starting out but I am learning faster than most.

I Play most days unless i'm very busy working on Head textures Logo's, or Videos
If i am very busy i will still try and come online for 30-60 mins if I can

I Dont Post that frequently unless I have something worth saying, Whenever im on the forums I always check and respond to my Pm's as soon as I can

I Started Toribash around January 2015, around March I stopped coming on toribash for a few months as my computer was broken, after that I Joined 2 clans, Haunted and Elemental
I Left both of those clans as they barely ever did any clan wars, and I didnt like some of them, since getting back on toribash i went from brown belt to 2nd dan before taking a 2 month break in the holidays, but that was a special occasion and I will be a lot more active now.

In real life My Hobbies are Rugby, Football, Horseriding and Gaming, I Am decent at freerunning as I have been doing it for a while on the weekends, My friends consider me the funniest in the group and the sometimes quite weird :P

I Would really like to get to know the Members in WAPOW and hope I will be able to join

That is all I Have to say, Thank you for considering me (I May not respond to pm's or stuff like that for up to 24 hours as my sister has an operation and I need to go and see her)
Last edited by Mystofilys; Jan 6, 2016 at 06:01 AM.
My name is Luca and Beybestar game, makes two years that I play Toribash . I'm 14
and as I am on vacation I am always playing Toribash . The mods I like best are:
Parkuor , ABD , Akido , Ninjutsu , xspar .
I want to enter the clan for help in wars and have more friends
I vote No laazy app and low post count
Last edited by Harry6103; Jan 7, 2016 at 12:03 AM. Reason: Spelling error
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